Via Vittori 19
I-48018 FAENZA (RA)
+39 0546 623891
+39 0546 623891 (aut.)
C.f., P.Iva e Reg. Imprese Ra no. 02276360399 - Capitale Sociale 10.000,00 €
Rea no. 187355 - Albo Imprese Artigiane Ravenna no. 60939
W420 model
The W420 device emits a radio signal on AIS 1 and AIS 2 (AIS)
channels of the maritime VHF band, with a power of 1 W. This signal
uses the AIS (Automatic Identification System) protocol and provides
the transmission of the man's position at sea using a GPS module with
66 channels inside the device.
The GPS module precision is about 10 meters, and the AIS system –
contrary to the DSC system – forwards its position in degrees/minutes/
seconds and fraction of seconds.
With this protocol the position error is comparable to the error of the
GPS module (< 10 meters).
The unit has a blinking flash for night-time localization.
W470 model
The W470 device emits a radio signal on AIS 1 and AIS 2 (AIS)
channels and a homing signal at 121.5 MHz, with a power of 1 W (in
AIS mode, 0.1W in Homing). This signal uses both AIS (Automatic
Identification System) protocol and homing signal for RDF (Radio
Directional Finder) and provides the transmission of the man's position
at sea using a GPS module with 66 channels inside the device.
This device model combines the performance of two MOB models:
W400 (Homing 121.5 Mhz) and W420 (AIS), and offers a greater
The unit has a blinking flash for night-time localization.
Can the VHF receiver be used on board?
Yes, you can use your maritime VHF AIS radio on board with W420 and W470 devices.
The frequency 121.5 MHz is not receivable by the VHF receiver which is located on board
the vessel, you need a special VHF receiver, such as for example an aeronautical radio
Has the frequency 121.5 MHz been removed from rescue monitoring system,
hasn't it?
The frequency 121.5 MHz is no longer used since February 2009 as primary frequency of
the EPIRB systems managed by Cospas-Sarsat; it is important to know that the 406 MHz
frequency used by satellites for the triangulation, can report a position with an
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