Waltron User Manual 101-021-B.1
3044 Hydrazine Analyzer
Basic maintenance of the Waltron 3044 Analyzer requires that the reagent containers are refilled
or replaced and that the colorimetric cell is cleaned on a regular basis. In addition, the user
should perform a regular 'visual overall-check' of the wet part for immediate corrective measures,
e.g. in case of leakages etc. Cleaning of the analyzer cabinet is best performed using a soft, non-
aggressive cleaner.
The use of a logbook for cataloging reagent refilling, corrective measures and scheduled
maintenance is strongly recommended.
During the performance of the basic maintenance work, as described in this chapter, the analyzer
can not be operational. Prior to the maintenance work, all necessary precautions regarding
personal safety (protective clothing, safety glasses etc.) are to be taken into consideration.
Always be sure to label and rinse all connected tubing with water prior to removal.
Waltron Colorimeter is based on colorimetric analysis
methods, using chemical solutions. Make sure that proper
safety precautions are taken (e.g. using safety gloves and
glasses) during handling the chemical solutions.
List of scheduled maintenance:
Visual check
Everytime that it is possible, visually check the following items:
Liquid leakages
Cell sample level (during cycle)
Glass cell cleaness condition
Reagent level %
Visual overall check
Colorimetric cell cleaning
Reagent(s) replacement (reset reagent counters)
Reagent pump(s) priming
Calibration blank with DI water, slope with calibration solution
Quarterly (Every 3 Months)
Pinch valve drain tubing replacement
Peristaltic reagent pumps tubing replacement
Peristaltic sample pump tubing replacement