Insert earplug into ear by
squeezing and rolling plug
between fingers, it will
compress and gradually
expand after insertion.
Position sound tube in
upward direction so it
extends past the ear hook.
Mark sound tube
approximately 1/8” above
the tip of the ear hook. Cut off excess tube at
mark. Tubing too long will cause the unit to fall
off the ear. Tubing too short will cause the ear
plug to pull out of the ear.
Installing the Battery
Turning the Unit On
After inserting the battery, close the battery door completely to turn the unit on. Turn
the unit off by opening the battery door to the first stop.
Fitting Instructions
Operating the Volume Control
Increase the volume on the
HD Pro
by pressing the top of the volume control toggle.
Decrease the volume by pressing the bottom of the volume control toggle.
The HD Pro has a built-in “safety” circuit which limits the output of the instrument to a maximum of 115 dB SPL.
Walker’s HD Pro
Hearing Enhancement & Protection
Increases Hearing
up to 9 times by amplifying high frequency
sounds with 50 decibels of power.
Protects Hearing
using a Sound Activated Compression (SAC)
circuit combined with an ear plug helps protect hearing from loud
sounds such as muzzle blasts. Noise Reduction Rating (NRR) of 29 dB
is among the highest in the industry.
Adjustable Frequency Tuning (AFT)
focuses on specific sound
frequencies for crystal-clear reception in any situation.
Weighs less than ¼ oz.
and rests comfortably behind either ear,
with or without eyeglasses.
Remove Sticker from Battery. To insert battery, open battery compartment by
pulling down on the rim of compartment door. The battery is held in place by a
small lip on the bottom of the compartment. Place the battery into the compart-
ment so that the (+) sign side of the battery is facing up; when battery is inserted
correctly, compartment door will close with ease. A #13 Mercury or Zinc Air battery
is recommended.
With the unit facing this direction, the “+” sign on the battery goes opposite the
lip on the batter compartment door. Also, inside the unit is a red dot identifying
the “+” side.
A weak battery may cause the unit to buzz or hum.
In the event a battery is swallowed call:
The National Button Battery Ingestion Hotline
(202) 625-3333 for counsel or treatment
WARNING: Button Cell Batteries are Dangerous if Swallowed
Ear Hook
PBC Button
AFT Control
Battery Compartment Door
Sound Tube
Ear Plug
HD Pro
over either ear
holding ear
thumb and
push the
sound tube
onto the ear
hook; you may need to trim
the tube and repeat this
process to achieve a
comfortable fit.
Complications Which May Arise
If conditions such as irritation, inflammation, and pain arise, they are normally due to
pressure applied from the ear plug on a particularly sensitive area of your ear. You may
easily be able to correct this by trimming the ear plug at the point of irritation. For an
actual allergic reaction, or any other unusual conditions, consult your physician.
Storing the HD Pro
When the
HD Pro
will not be used for an extended period of time,
remove the battery and place the
HD Pro
in its carrying case for storage in a cool, dry location.
Batteries (Avg. Life 300 Hrs)
After extended use of your battery, the
HD Pro
volume will rapidly get weaker, and may become noisy and ineffective in operation. This
indicates that the battery should be replaced. Always remove the battery if your
HD Pro
is not going to be used for a period of days.
If Your HD Pro Whistles
Whistling/squealing may sometimes occur as you cup your
hand over your ear and adjust the volume control. This action directs sound leaking from
the ear plug into the microphone, resulting in a whistle. This should disappear when you
take your hand away. If not, check to make sure the ear plug is inserted properly.
• Keep batteries out of the reach of children.
• Discard batteries very carefully.
• Never allow children to play with batteries.
• Never change batteries in front of children.
• Never put batteries in your mouth for any
reason, as they are slippery and easy to
swallow by accident.
• Always check medication before
swallowing, as batteries have been
mistaken for tablets.
If You Have A Problem
Battery dead
Replace battery
Blocked ear plug
Clear ear plug blockage
Tube twisted
Straighten tube
Not Loud Enough
Battery low
Replace battery
Ear plug blocked
Remove and clean ear plug
Intermittent (goes on and off)
Battery defective
Replace battery
Not Clear, Distorted
Low battery
Replace battery
Humming, Buzzing
Low battery
Replace battery
Hissing Sound
Circuit noise
Lower volume
Loosen earplug
Re-position ear plug
Whistling/ Squealing
Amplified sound
Lower volume
leaking from around ear plug
Re-position ear plug
Possible Cure
Operating the AFT
The AFT (Adjustable Frequency Tuning) is located directly above the volume control toggle
• Insert the enclosed screwdriver in the bottom center of the AFT pop-up hinged door
• The AFT circuit is the set screw marked NH (Normal-High)
• With the AFT set screw in the 7:00 position the emphasis is on the lower end of the high frequencies. By turning the AFT
set screw to the right (clockwise) you are changing the emphasis to the higher frequencies, with the maximum setting
at the 5:00 position.
To find the best setting for you, turn the set screw to the desired reception. Different
conditions and environments may need different settings.
Toll-free customer support 877-269-8490
Ear Plug Information: Our Foam Ear Plug was designed as a “One Size Fiys All” – if you
experience problems or would like a more comfortable fitting plug, please contact
Walker’s Customer Service at 877-269-8490.