Assembly Instructions
Deck Discharge Shield Installation
(Side Discharge Models Only)
Attach the deck side discharge shield by positioning
the shield hinge lug in front of the deck mount and
fastening with two 3/8-16 x 1-1/4 in. bolts, 3/8-16
ESNA nuts, and 3/8 in. wave spring washers. The
wave washers fit between the two hinging surfaces.
Tighten the nuts until the shield moves freely but is
not loose.
Discharge Shield Installation
on Side Discharge Deck
PTO Shaft Guard Installation
Position the shaft guard and mount with two 1/4-20
x 1/2 in. bolts.
Tilt-Up Roller Wheel Installation
Mount the two (2) tilt-up roller wheels on the brack-
ets on the rear skirt of the deck housing using the
P/N 8490 axle bolt, 3/8 in. wave spring washer and
3/8-16 in. Whiz locknut. Tighten the axle bolt until
the wheel rolls freely, but is not loose.
Tilt-Up Spring and Roller Wheel
Installation on Rear Discharge Deck
Mower Deck lnstallation on Tractor
Deck Installation
1. Lightly grease each deck support arm (2) on the
tractor. Refer to Mower Deck Installation pho-
to on next page for location of deck support arm.
2. Engage the deck carrier frame tube sockets on
the tractor support arms (refer to Discharge
Chute and PTO Shaft Guard Installation photo
for socket location). Slide the deck onto the sup-
port arms: all the way if SD equipped model,
approximately 3 in. (76 mm) if GHS equipped
NOTE: When installing the DSD52 or DSD62
Mower deck, make sure to retract the dolly
wheel after mounting the deck on the tractor.
If the deck is rear discharge (GHS equipped
model), the rear discharge chute will need to be
aligned and connected to the blower inlet dur-
ing the last 2 in. (51 mm) of slide action on the
support arms.
NOTE: Raising the mower body may be help-
ful in fitting and guiding the deck chute into the
4. Install the hitch pin through the hole on the end
of each support arm to lock the deck in place
(refer to Deck Counterweight Spring Installa-
tion photo). Two (2) hitch pins are included in
the owner’s packet of materials.
DO NOT operate the machine without the
grass deflector chute attached and in the
lowest possible position.
Attach Shield
Attach Spring
Roller Wheels