PROFIBUS Master in CoDeSys 2.3 141
758-874/000-131 WAGO-I/O-IPC-C6
Version 1.0.0
Bus Parameters
Figure 66: "Bus Parameters" tab
The following table explains the parameters listed in the register:
Table 60: Description of the Parameters
Bus Parameters
Baud rate (kBits/s)
Here, set the desired baud rate with which the data is to
be transmitted to the PROFIBUS. The setting is
dependent on your PROFIBUS network (line length, etc.)
Use defaults
If the control field is activated, the settings under
"Parameters" will be automatically taken over from the
GSD file, depending on the baud rate.
Slot Time (TSL)
Min. Station Delay (min TSDR)
Max. Station Delay (max. TSDR)
Quiet Time (TQUI)
Setup Time (TSET)
Target Rotation Time (TTR)
Gap Update Factor
Max. Retry Limit
Min. Slave Interval
Poll Timeout
Data Control Time
Please find the explanation of the PROFIBUS parameters
in the PROFIBUS standard IEC 61158.