Application example: Starterkit880_App1_FUP.pro
750-880 ETHERNET Programmable Fieldbus
Quickstart Reference
Version 1.0.0
In the first network, the address operator "ADR" supplies the address for the
variable "aFS" and stores this in the pointer variable "ptFS." The individual
blinking sequences for the USR-LED (LED colors) are defined by the array
variables "aFS."
Figure 38: Network 1 (USR-LED)
In the second network, the flashing sequences for the USR-LED are set by the
function "SET_FLASHING_SEQUENCE." The input parameter "EN" (Enable)
enables execution of this function. The input parameter
"POINTER_TO_POINTER_TO_ARRAY" transfers the address of the pointer
variables "ptFS" and by this means the individual flashing sequences as well.
Figure 39: Network 2 (USR-LED)
In the third network, the next index is set for a flashing sequence to be executed
using the function "SET_FLASHING_SEQUENCE_INDEX." The input
parameter "IMMEDIATE" determines when the new flashing sequence should
the new sequence is initiated after the end of the current sequence
the new sequence begins immediately. The parameter "INDEX"
defines the index for the new flashing sequence.
Figure 40: Network 3 (USR-LED)