767-4802/000-800 8DO 24V DC 0.5A IF (4xM12)
Version 1.1.0
Pos: 30.15 /Serie 767 ( WAGO-SPEED WAY)/Parametrier en/I/O-Module/02_Par ameter der Ausg änge - Überschrift 2 @ 8\mod_1278492149177_21.docx @ 59225 @ 2 @ 1
Parameters of Outputs
Pos: 30.16 /Serie 767 ( WAGO-SPEED WAY)/Wichtige Erläuter ung en/Sicherheitshinweise/Gefahr/Gefahr: Manuell gesetzte Ausg änge @ 8\mod_1278491351536_21.docx @ 59222 @ @ 1
Manually-set outputs in manual operation mode!
In manual operation mode (setup mode), software protection mechanisms do not
monitor the motion of individual machine components.
The outputs in manual operation mode that were set with WAGOframe remain
active until you manually reset them or restart the fieldbus coupler. The protective
shutdown of software proves ineffective in this case.
In manual operation mode, personnel are not allowed to stay in the danger area of
the machine components.
Pos: 30.17 /Serie 767 ( WAGO-SPEED WAY)/Parametrier en/I/O-Module/Parametrier ung 767-48xx Parameter der Ausgänge @ 5\mod_1249382434515_21.docx @ 40292 @ @ 1
Table 27: Overview of adjustable parameters for the digital outputs
Electronic marking field (max. 40 characters)
Output value
This value is released to the outputs.
Default setting: 0
Process image value
This value is released from the process image to the outputs, taking into
account inversion.
If manual operation is activated, a value entered here is released to the
outputs instead of the process value.
Checkbox unselected:
Checkbox selected:
Signal inverting
Here you can release the currently pending process value as an inverted
output value.
Checkbox unselected:
Output signal is released as indicated in process image
Checkbox selected:
Output signal is released in an inverted manner, as indicated in process
Substitute Value
This releases the substitute value or the last output value in cases such
as a fieldbus interruption. You have the following options:
- Switch to substitute value
- Retain last value**
Substitute Value
Enter here the process value that is released in case of an error or if a
fieldbus is missing. In the case of an error (fieldbus interruption), this
value is used with the "Switch to Substitute Value" substitute value
Checkbox unselected:
Checkbox selected: