ps 3.21
SAfeTy regulATIoNS for AIrleSS
SprAyINg ______________________________ 4
1.1 Explanation of symbols used _____________________4
1.2 Electric safety _________________________________8
1.3 Electrostatic charging
(formation of sparks or flames) ___________________8
geNerAl vIeW of ApplIcATIoN __________ 9
2.1 Application ___________________________________9
2.2 Coating materials ______________________________9
DeScrIpTIoN of uNIT __________________ 10
3.1 Airless process _______________________________10
3.2 Functioning of the unit ________________________10
3.3 Technical data _______________________________12
3.4 Legend for explanatory diagram PS 3.21 __________11
3.5 Explanatory diagram PS 3.21 ____________________11
3.6 Transportation _______________________________12
3.7 Transportation in vehicle _______________________12
STArTINg operATIoN __________________ 12
4.1 High-pressure hose, spray gun and separating oil ___12
4.2 Control panel indicators _______________________13
4.3 Pressure control knob settings __________________13
4.4 Connection to the mains network _______________14
4.5 Cleaning preserving agent when
starting-up of operation initially _________________14
4.6 Taking the unit into operation with coating material 14
SprAyINg TechNIque __________________ 15
hANDlINg The hIgh-preSSure hoSe ____ 16
INTerrupTIoN of Work ________________ 16
cleANINg The uNIT (ShuTTINg DoWN) __ 17
8.1 Cleaning unit from outside _____________________17
8.2 Suction filter _________________________________17
8.3 Cleaning the high-pressure filter ________________18
8.4 Cleaning Airless spray gun _____________________18
remeDy IN cASe of fAulTS _____________ 19
10 ServIcINg _____________________________ 20
10.1 General servicing _____________________________20
10.2 High-pressure hose ___________________________20
11 repAIrS AT The uNIT ___________________ 20
11.1 Relief valve __________________________________20
11.2 Inlet and outlet valve __________________________21
11.3 Packings ____________________________________22
11.4 PS 3.21 connection diagram ____________________23
12 AppeNDIx _____________________________ 24
12.1 Selection of tip _______________________________24
12.2 Servicing and cleaning of Airless hard-metal tips ___24
12.3 Spray gun accessories _________________________25
12.4 Airless tip table ____________________________ 26/27
12.5 TempSpray __________________________________28
12.6 Pump-Runner ________________________________29
AcceSSorIeS for proSprAy 3.21 _________ 30/31
Spare parts list for main assembly __________________ 32/33
Spare parts list for the fluid section ____________________34
Spare parts list for drive assembly ____________________35
Spare parts list of upright cart assembly ________________36
ImporTANT NoTeS oN proDucT lIABIlITy ___ 37
3+2 yeArS guArANTee for profeSSIoNAl
fINIShINg __________________________________ 37
SAleS AND ServIce compANIeS __________ 39/40