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User’s Manual—Read before using this equipment
Most electrical tools, appliances, and audio/video equipment have labels that
list the unit’s power requirements in watts. If the tool or device is rated in amps,
multiply the amps by 120 (120V AC) to determine the watts. For example, an
appliance rated at 0.5 amps will draw 60 watts.
Remember to consider the startup surge that motorized appliances will cause. Do
not exceed the 825 watt momentary surge rating of this inverter. This can cause
immediate overload shut down and or blow a fuse.
• Turn ON the power switch that is located at the front of the inverter, and the
green LED indicator will light up as an indicator that the unit is working.
• Plug your appliance(s) into the AC socket(s) at the front of the inverter.
Connecting the Inverter
Loose DC (battery) connections will result in a severe voltage drop that can cause
damage to connectors, conductors, and insulation and can cause sparking.
Reverse polarity connection can permanently damage the inverter. Damage
caused by reverse polarity will void the warranty.
CAUTION: Making an initial connection between the positive cable end and
the inverter’s positive terminal may cause a spark. This is normal and is a result
of capacitors in the inverter starting to charge. Because of the possibility of
sparking, it is extremely important that both the inverter and the battery bank be
positioned away from any source of flammable fumes or gases. Failure to heed
this warning can result in fire or explosion. Do not make the positive terminal
connection immediately after the batteries have been charging. Allow time for
the battery gasses to vent to outside air.