Elite™ 400W PRO by Wagan Tech
The startup load of an appliance is a major factor of whether this inverter
can power it. This initial load is only momentary. With many appliances, it is
approximately twice the continuous load, but some appliance startup loads can
be as high as eight times the continuous load.
The inverter will automatically shut down in the event of an output overload so
there is no danger of damaging either the inverter or the equipment. When the
red LED indicator is lit, the inverter is signaling a fault.
Maximum Power from Vehicle Accessory Sockets
Most vehicle accessory sockets that are controlled through a vehicle’s ignition
switch are fused at 15 amps. This limits inverter output to approximately 180
To Power 400 Watt Appliances: For temporary use, connect a battery clip
adapter cord (not included) to the inverter and follow the procedure located
under the “Connecting the Inverter” section.
There is no danger in leaving the inverter directly wired to the battery if the
inverter is turned off after each use. The inverter will shut off when the vehicle’s
battery level drops down to 9.5 volts to protect the battery from draining
Do not exceed the 400 watt maximum AC load or the inverter will shut down.
Most electrical tools, appliances, and audio/video equipment have labels that
list the unit’s power requirements in watts. If the tool or device is rated in amps,
multiply the amps by 120 (120V AC) to determine the watts. For example, an
appliance rated at 0.5 amps will draw 60 watts.
Remember to consider the startup surge that motorized appliances will cause. Do
not exceed the 800 watt momentary surge rating of this inverter. This can cause