VAS 6380B / VAS 6381B
Initial startup
Filling up the internal refrigerant container
When the AirCon Service Center is started for the first time, the internal
refrigerant vessel must be filled from an external refrigerant vessel with at
least 5000 g of refrigerant.
The current supply quantities are displayed in the standby menu.
There are three different types of refrigerant vessel available:
Refrigerant vessels without rising pipe:
These refrigerant bottles have
When filling the AirCon Service Center, the connection must be on the
bottom (turn the vessel upside down).
Refrigerant vessels with rising pipe:
These refrigerant bottles have
When filling the AirCon Service Center, the connection must be at the
top (place the vessel upright).
Refrigerant bottles with rising pipe:
These refrigerant bottles have
connections. To top up the
AirCon Service Center, use the connection marked with
(= liquid).
When filling the AirCon Service Center, the connection must be at the
top (place the vessel upright).
1. In the basic menu, use the cursor keys
to select
“Other selections”
2. Press
to confirm.
3. Use the cursor keys
to select
“Int.vessel filling”
4. Press
to confirm.
Note also the instructions on the refrigerant bottles.
S h o r t s e l e c t i o n
F r e e s e l e c t i o n
O t h e r s e l e c t i o n s
E N T E R - O K S T O P - E X I T
I n t . v e s s e l f i l l i n g
F l u s h i n g
R e s e t S c a l e s .
S e r v i c e .
WaecoVAS6380B-6381B_OPM_4445101232_AMER(us)_202x-xx-xx.book Seite 21 Montag, 2. November 2020 4:18 16