BA 1001/1501/2001 us – Edition 3.3 * 12001b510.fm
Stationary fuel pumps
Only refuel from stationary fuel pumps. Fuel from barrels or cans is usually dirty.
Even the smallest particles of dirt can cause
• Increased engine wear
• Malfunctions in the fuel system and
• Reduced effectiveness of the fuel filters
Refueling from barrels
If refueling from barrels cannot be avoided, note the following points (see fig. 78):
• Barrels must neither be rolled nor tilted before refueling
• Protect the suction pipe opening of the barrel pump with a fine-mesh screen
• Immerse it down to a max. 15 cm above the bottom of the barrel
• Only fill the tank using refueling aids (funnels or filler pipes) with integral microfilter
• Keep all refueling containers clean at all times
Diesel fuel specification
Use only high-grade fuels
Bleeding the fuel system
Bleed the fuel system in the following cases:
• After removing and fitting the fuel filter, prefilter or the fuel lines back on again
• After running the fuel tank empty
• After running the engine again, after it has been out of service for a longer period of time
Fig. 78: Refueling from a barrel
number Use
• No. 2-D according to DIN 51601
Min. 45
For normal outside temperatures
• No. 1-D according to DIN 51601
For outside temperatures below 4 °C
(39.2 °F) or for operation above 1500
m (4,921 ft) altitude