1.3.13 Analyzer oscillatory readings in DOC measurement for 8 h, mg/dm
max ……………………………………………………………..….….. ±(0,0015+0,02C).
1.4 Product components
The analyzer comprises:
converter unit;
oxygen sensor with a 2 m connecting cable;
flowing vat.
1.5 Description and operation
1.5.1 General analyzer data
The MARK-302Т dissolved oxygen analyzer is a small-size microprocessor
device designed to measure the mass concentration of water-dissolved oxygen
(DOC) and the analyte temperature.
The DOC values measured in mg/dm
or temperature measured in Celsius
degrees (depending on the measuring mode) are displayed on the readout device
– a digital LCD display (“the display”). The minimum value of the least significant
digit for DOC measurement is 0,001 mg/dm
. The least significant digit value for
temperature measurement is 0,1 °С.
The analyzer is calibrated by atmospheric air of 100 % humidity with auto-
matic adjustment for atmospheric pressure during calibration.
Adjustment for atmospheric pressure during the analyzer calibration by at-
mospheric air is provided by a built-in atmospheric pressure sensor.
1.5.2 Analyzer operating principle
The analyzer uses an amperometric sensor operating as a closed-type
polarographic cell. The electrodes are submerged in an internal electrolyte solution
which is separated from the analyte by a membrane penetrable for oxygen but im-
penetrable for liquid and water vapor. From the analyte, oxygen diffuses through
the membrane into a thin layer of electrolyte between the electrodes and the mem-
brane and undergoes an electrochemical reaction on the surface of the cathode
which is polarized by external voltage applied cross the electrodes. In the process,
the sensor generates a DC signal which is at a fixed temperature proportional to