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Congratulations and thank you for choosing the Rick Derringer Signature Amplifier! At VVT we I know you
are constantly searching for new sounds and new ways to improve your existing sound. We understand the
constantly evolving nature of artistic creativity and the search for the perfect sound to complement your ever-
widening musical vision. Providing the tools to help you to create your own sonic signature is our primary
As with all VVT amplifiers, the HyperDrive beautifully accentuates the inherent qualities of any instrument. It
breathes and dynamically responds to your playing technique exactly the way a great amplifier should. The
VVT Overdrive and HyperDrive models are all tube designs: no clipping diodes or transistors are used in any
part of the signal path. The preamp section has a broad dynamic range which accounts for its extra touch
sensitivity, tonal shaping characteristics, and excellent guitar volume control response. In addition, overdrive
voicing can easily be dialed up using the unique GAIN/LEVEL structure and can be tweaked to perfection on
the internal tone stack. The presence control adds dimension of an in your face sparkle to a smoother jazzy
tone. From there, the boost switch lifts the mid frequencies in the 500-1K Hz range. Just a little tweaking on
your guitar volume and tone controls will yield a surprising amount of control. All VVT Overdrive amps are
designed for big round tone and dynamic response at low to medium guitar volumes and provide a rapid but
smooth transition into saturation - turning rich and thick at full guitar volume. The combination of preamp
voicing and power amp response will enhance the unique character of any guitar and pick-up combination.
The specially designed, precision wound, power and output transformers from Mercury Magnetics produce
optimum performance, reliability, and stability delivering excellent power tube response and just the right
amount of natural output transformer saturation and compression.
Getting familiar with the HyperDrive is easy, so don’t be terribly surprised when you find yourself up and
running in no time; although, we highly recommend you spending some quality time with your amp due to it’s
chameleon like qualities. You may find yourself dialing in tones you thought might never be possible or find
some tones unique to your playing style. First hand experience and real world application will yield the
ultimate satisfaction of. Finding your own path of comprehension and self-expression can only be achieved by
mastering your instrument in combination with your new amp. This amp is not intended to make you play or
sound like Rick but we hope it will inspire you to develop your own signature tone.
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The input level of this amplifier determines how much drive and sustain your guitar will produce. Tonal
balance, which we refer to as VOICING, determines how your amp will respond to your playing style and how
it will sound with a particular guitar. Like all amplifiers, the Overdrive amps have tone and gain controls. But,
unlike any other amplifiers, the OD amps give you total control over VOICING and GAIN. This
VOLUME/GAIN/LEVEL/ MASTER VOLUME configuration is the key to dialing in great overdriven tone and
volume for your specific requirements.
The Volume control increases preamp gain as you rotate the knob clockwise. As the gain increases, the tonal
balance is shifted from treble and upper mid frequency emphasis which produce up front sparkling tone, to a
lower mid and bass emphasis, which produces a thick meaty tone. The VOLUME CONTROL AFFECTS
In order to achieve a smooth, saturated, overdrive tone the
VOLUME control needs to be set at least the 12 o’clock position.
increases the gain in overdrive. As you rotate the knob clockwise you will notice an
increase in drive as well as a certain amount of compression, though the sonic qualities will shift as well, as
the gain increases the tone will become brighter with more bite.
The LEVEL controls the overall balance between the clean and overdrive channels, the tonal effects while
increasing the LEVEL provide a meatier fuller tone. This is where balancing both gain and level controls is key
to achieving the desired tone while at the same time keeping the amps volume at just the right level, different
combinations of Gain and Level settings, will have a dramatic effect on the response of the amplifier and the
personality of your instrument. It is easy to get familiar with the action of these controls and you’ll be amazed
with your ability to make any guitar sound mellow, fat, soulful or aggressive.