POWER Switch: (Back of Am p) In th e ON position Applies AC power to the
transformer. In the OFF position removes power from the transformer.
STANDBY Switch: (B ack of Am p) In the OFF position, the STANDBY Switch
allows AC voltage to the tube filam ents but stops DC voltages to the tubes. W hen
you turn the amp on, allow the tubes to warm up 10 or 15 seconds before placing the
STANDBY switch in the ON position. Th
e amp will not operate unless th e
STANDBY switch is in the ON position.
3. INPUT Jacks: Guitar/Instrument inputs. Input 1 is HiZ, Input 2 is LowZ.
BRIGHT Switch: Down – Normal; Up - Bright
5. VOLUME Control: Controls the loudness of the guitar or instruments plugged
into the INPUT Jack..
6. TONE Controls: Treble, Bass.
7. REVERB Control: Adjusts the reverb level.
8. SPEED Control: Adjusts the speed of the tremolo effect.
9. INTENSITY Control: Adjusts the depth of the tremolo effect.
Check the power to the unit. Check for
tripped household circui t breakers, unplugged
extension cords or power-strip sw itches that may be turned off. Check the f use(s); a spare
2A Slo-Blo fuse is supplied with the amp. If a dark brownish color or no wire can be seen
within the glass fuse, then replace the fuse with the same rating as originally installed. Over
fusing the am plifier with a fuse of a highe
r current rating, or shorting the fuse with
aluminum foil etc. could be disastrous and will void your warranty. The unit m
ay be
perfectly fine but occasionally the fuse may blow because of high AC voltage surges. After
the fuse has been replaced with the proper va lue and, if the fuse fa ils again, the amplifier
will require service. Also, check your input and speaker output cables.
VVT Amps wants you to be happy with y
our amp so, if there are certain tonal
characteristics that you desire, we will assist you in those endeavors and make every effort
to help you get your mojo. There are m
any options for capacitors, transformers, and
speakers available at p rices ranging from modest to outrageous. All of these com ponents
affect the tone of your amplifier. Let us know if we can help.
About VVT Amplifiers
VVT Amplifiers makes vintage and modern styl e tube guitar amplifiers available to thos e
musicians who want great guitar tone . The VVT Amps workshop is located at:
520 University Dr.
Waldorf, MD 20602
(240) 222-3830
All VVT amps are built by hand. We also m ake cabinets and chassis for our custom amps.
We use various sources for vi ntage reproduction cabinets and ch assis that we believe offer
the best durability, value, and style.
VVT Amps does not service solid state equipment of any brand