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K6DTT & K12DTT: Direct Steam Countertop Kettle Troubleshooting
Kettle not heating
No steam supply/Turn on building supply valve to kettle.
Boiler or steamer supplying kettle not on/Turn on unit.
Building steam not turned on/Call building maintenance.
Steam control valve closed/Open control valve to allow steam to enter
kettle jacket.
No condensate return flow, closed loop system/Condensate return valve
is not open.
Steam supply strainer dirty/Clean strainer.
Steam not flowing/Steam supply line blockage. Call Service.
Condensate line blockage/Clean strainer. Call Service.
Steam trap not operating or clogged/Call Service.
Full of condensate water/Add steam trap to building steam supply line.
Building condensate return pump not working/Call Service.
Inadequate steam flow/Control valve not fully open to desired setting.
Supply pressure is low/Contact building maintenance. Call Service.
Steam supply line undersized/Contact plumber or building maintenance.
Kettle(s) exceed steam supply capabilities/Refer to sequential start up
instructions in Installation & Operation manual.
Pressure relief valve on steam supply leaking/Call Service.
Line strainer clogged/Clean line strainer.
Steam trap malfunction/Contact building maintenance or call Service.
Trunnion seals leaking
Dirty steam/Install steam strainer before kettle(s).
Trunnion legs not mounted securely to table or table too flimsy to
support kettle/Tighten trunnion leg mounting nuts/Reinforce table
mounting surface.
Valve leaking steam
Valve packing needs tightening/Using a 20 mm wrench turn valve
packing nut, closest to the knob, 1/8 turn at a time till leak stops, or call
an authorized servicer.
Slow cooking time or
fails to boil