No sound
The volume is set too low.
A headphone (or earphone is
plugged into the unit.
The iPod is not inserted properly.
The iPod is paused or in the Hold
The IPod may need to be reset.
Increase the volume by pressing the VOL+ side of
the Volume Button.
Unplug the headphone (or earphone).
Remove and reinsert the iPod.
Switch the iPod from the Pause or Hold position.
Reset the iPod as instructed by the device
manufacturer’s instructions.
The volume level is too high.
The song file is distorted.
Decrease the volume of the unit or of the device.
Skip to another song file.
Unit warm
after lengthy
This is acceptable, especially if the
volume is at a high level.
Lower the volume or turn off the unit until cool.
No power
The AC Adapter is not securely
The electrical outlet is not
Ensure the Adapter is securely connected to both
the input Jack and to the electrical outlet.
Ensure the unit is plugged into an operating
electrical outlet.
No power -
The transmitter on the front of the
Remote or the sensor on the front
of the unit is blocked.
The battery power is low.
The batteries are incorrectly
installed in the Battery
Remove any material or dirt from the transmitter or
Replace the batteries as instructed by the “Battery
Installation” subsection.
Verify that the battery polarities are correct in the
Battery Compartment and adjust if necessary.
iPod did not
The iPod is not seated properly in
the Dock.
The iPod is not operating properly.
Remove and replace the iPod, ensuring the
Connector is unobstructed and the correct Insert is
Refer to the iPod manufacturer’s instructions for
troubleshooting information.
Can’t access
the files on
my 5GB iPod
(with Video)
or iPod nano
Reset your iPod (as recommended on Apple web
site.) (Will not effect music stored on your iPod.)
Press the Hold switch On/Off (slide it to Hold, then
turn it off).
Press and hold the Menu + Select buttons until the
Apple logo appears (10 seconds.) You may need to
repeat this step.
Note: Please make sure that your iPod has the latest firmware. Check your iPod manual or the Apple website
(www.apple.com) and follow the instructions on how to upgrade the firmware of your iPod.