Specifications are subject to change without notice.
© 2014 VTech Communications, Inc.
All rights reserved. 12/14. LS6105-X_CIB_V5.0
Document order number: 91-007340-030-100
de l’appareil. Débranchez l’appareil avant de
procéder au nettoyage. Utilisez un chiffon
humide et doux.
12. Ne surchargez pas les prises de courant et les
13. Débranchez cet appareil de la prise de courant
et communiquez avec le département de
service à la clientèle de VTech dans les cas
suivants :
Lorsque le cordon d’alimentation est
endommagé ou écorché.
Si du liquide a été échappé dans l’appareil.
Si l’appareil a été exposé à une source
d’humidité telle que la pluie ou l’eau.
Si le produit ne fonctionne pas normalement
en respectant les instructions de
fonctionnement. Réglez uniquement
les commandes indiquées dans le les
instructions de fonctionnement. Les réglages
incorrects des autres commandes pourraient
provoquer un dommage qui pourrait exiger
un travail exhaustif de la part d’un technicien
autorisé afin de rétablir le fonctionnement
normal de l’appareil.
Si le produit a été échappé et que le socle et/
ou le combiné a été endommagé.
Si le produit affiche une nette diminution de
sa performance.
14. Évitez d’utiliser un téléphone (autre qu’un sans
fil) pendant un orage. Les éclairs peuvent être
à l’origine d’une électrocution.
15. N’utilisez pas le téléphone pour rapporter une
fuite de gaz à proximité de la fuite. En certaines
circonstances, une flammèche pourrait être
provoquée lorsque l’adaptateur est branché à
une prise de courant, ou lorsque le combiné
est déposé sur le socle. Ceci est un événement
commun associé à la fermeture d’un circuit
électrique. L’utilisateur ne devrait pas brancher
le téléphone à une prise de courant, et ne
devrait pas déposer le combiné chargé sur
le socle, si le téléphone se trouve à proximité
d’un endroit comportant des concentrations de
gaz inflammables, à moins que la ventilation
soit adéquate. Une flammèche dans un tel
endroit pourrait provoquer un incendie ou une
explosion. De tels environnements peuvent
comprendre: des endroits où l’on utilise de
l’oxygène médical sans ventilation adéquate;
des gaz industriels (dissolvants de nettoyage,
des vapeurs d’essence, etc.); une fuite de gaz
naturel, etc.
16. Ne placez que le combiné de votre téléphone
près de votre oreille lorsqu’en mode de
17. Ces adaptateurs ont été conçus pour être
orientés en position verticale ou montés au
sol. Les broches ne sont pas conçues pour
maintenir l’adaptateur en place si celui-ci est
barnché dans une prise au plafond ou sous une
table/ armoire.
MISE EN GARDE : N’utilisez que la pile
Ne jetez pas la pile au feu. Vérifiez les
instructions spécifiques de mise aux rebus
auprès des autorités locales.
N’ouvrez pas et ne mutilez pas la pile.
L’électrolyte qui s’en échapperait est corrosif et
pourrait causer des brûlures ou des blessures
aux yeux ou à la peau. L’électrolyte est toxique
si avalé.
Soyez prudents lorsque vous manipulez les
piles afin d’éviter les courts-circuits provoqués
par des matériaux conducteurs.
Rechargez la pile incluse avec cet appareil,
selon les instructions et limites spécifiées dans
ce guide d’utilisation.
Stimulateurs cardiaques implantés dans
Les simulateurs cardiaques (s’applique uniquement
aux téléphones numériques sans fil) :
L’organisme ‘Wireless Technology Research, LLC
(WTR)’, une firme de recherche indépendante,
a mené une évaluation pluridisciplinaire des
interférences entre les téléphones sans fil portatifs
et les stimulateurs cardiaques implantés dans
l’organisme. Appuyée par l’Administration des
aliments et drogues (FDA) des États-Unis, la firme
WTR recommande aux médecins :
Avis aux détenteurs de stimulateurs cardiaques
Ils doivent tenir le téléphone sans fil à une
distance d’au moins six pouces du stimulateur
Ils ne doivent PAS placer le téléphone sans fil
directement sur le stimulateur cardiaque, tel
que dans une poche de chemise, lorsque celui-
ci est en marche.
Ils doivent utiliser le téléphone sans fil en
l’appuyant sur l’oreille qui se trouve dans la
direction opposée au stimulateur cardiaque.
L’étude effectuée par l’organisme WRS n’a
pas identifié de risque pour les détenteurs de
simulateurs cardiaques causés par les gens qui
utilisent un téléphone sans fil à proximité de ceux-ci.
À propos des téléphones sans fil
Confidentialité :
Les mêmes caractéristiques
qui constituent des avantages pour les
téléphones sans fil affichent également
des restrictions. Les appels téléphoniques
sont transmis entre le combiné sans fil et
le socle par le biais d’ondes radio ; il y a
donc la possibilité que vos conversations
téléphoniques sans fil soient interceptées
par des équipements de réception radio se
trouvant dans la portée du combiné sans fil.
Pour cette raison, vous ne devez pas percevoir
les communications téléphoniques sans fil
comme étant aussi confidentielles que celles
des téléphones à cordons.
Alimentation électrique :
Le socle de ce
téléphone sans fil doit être branché à une prise
Technical specifications
Crystal controlled PLL
1921.536-1928.448 MHz
Maximum power allowed by
FCC and IC. Actual operating
range may vary according to
environmental conditions at the
time of use.
2.4V 400mAh, Ni-MH battery
Charger: 6V AC @ 300mA
50 memory locations;
up to 30 digits and 15 characters
Caller ID log:
50 memory locations;
up to 24 digits and 15 characters
outlet, and should not put a charged handset
into the cradle, if the phone is located in an
environment containing concentrations of
flammable or flame-supporting gases, unless
there is adequate ventilation. A spark in such
an environment could create a fire or explosion.
Such environments might include: medical
use of oxygen without adequate ventilation;
industrial gases (cleaning solvents; gasoline
vapors; etc.); a leak of natural gas; etc.
16. Only put the handset of your telephone next to
your ear when it is in normal talk mode.
17. The power adapter is intended to be correctly
oriented in a vertical or floor mount position.
The prongs are not designed to hold the plug
in place if it is plugged into a ceiling, under-the-
table or cabinet outlet.
CAUTION: Use Only Supplied Battery.
Do not dispose of the battery in a fire. Check
with local waste management codes for special
disposal instructions.
Do not open or mutilate the battery. Released
electrolyte is corrosive and may cause burns or
injury to the eyes or skin. The electrolyte may
be toxic if swallowed.
Exercise care in handling batteries in order
not to create a short circuit with conductive
Charge the battery provided with this product
only in accordance with the instructions and
limitations specified in this manual.
Precautions for users of implanted cardiac
Cardiac pacemakers (applies only to digital cordless
Wireless Technology Research, LLC (WTR), an
independent research entity, led a multidisciplinary
evaluation of the interference between portable
wireless telephones and implanted cardiac
pacemakers. Supported by the U.S. Food and Drug
Administration, WTR recommends to physicians
Pacemaker patients
Should keep wireless telephones at least six
inches from the pacemaker.
Should NOT place wireless telephones directly
over the pacemaker, such as in a breast pocket,
when it is turned ON.
Should use the wireless telephone at the ear
opposite the pacemaker.
WTR’s evaluation did not identify any risk to
bystanders with pacemakers from other persons
using wireless telephones.
About cordless telephones
The same features that make a
cordless telephone convenient create some
limitations. Telephone calls are transmitted
between the telephone base and the cordless
handset by radio waves, so there is a possibility
that the cordless telephone conversations
could be intercepted by radio receiving
equipment within range of the cordless
handset. For this reason, you should not think
of cordless telephone conversations as being
as private as those on corded telephones.
Electrical power:
The telephone base of this
cordless telephone must be connected to a
working electrical outlet. The electrical outlet
should not be controlled by a wall switch. Calls
cannot be made from the cordless handset if
the telephone base is unplugged, switched off
or if the electrical power is interrupted.
Potential TV interference:
Some cordless
telephones operate at frequencies that may
cause interference to televisions and VCRs.
To minimize or prevent such interference, do
not place the telephone base of the cordless
telephone near or on top of a TV or VCR.
If interference is experienced, moving the
cordless telephone farther away from the
TV or VCR often reduces or eliminates the
Rechargeable batteries:
Exercise care in
handling batteries in order not to create a short
circuit with conducting material such as rings,
bracelets and keys. The battery or conductor
may overheat and cause harm. Observe proper
polarity between the battery and the battery
Nickel-metal hydride rechargeable
Dispose of these batteries in a safe
manner. Do not burn or puncture the battery.
Like other batteries of this type, if burned or
punctured, they could release caustic material
which could cause injury.
seal on the nickel-metal hydride battery
indicates that VTech Communications, Inc. is
voluntarily participating in an industry program to
collect and recycle these batteries at the end of their
useful lives, when taken out of service within the
United States and Canada.
program provides a convenient
alternative to placing used nickel-metal hydride
batteries into the trash or municipal waste, which
may be illegal in your area.
VTech’s participation in RBRC
makes it easy for
you to drop off the spent battery at local retailers
participating in the RBRC
program or at authorized
VTech product service centers. Please call
1 (800) 8 BATTERY
for information on Ni-MH
battery recycling and disposal bans/restrictions in
your area. VTech’s involvement in this program is
part of its commitment to protecting our environment
and conserving natural resources.
and 1 (800) 8 BATTERY
are registered trademarks of
Rechargeable Battery Recycling
FCC, ACTA and IC regulations
FCC Part 15
This equipment has been tested and found to
comply with the requirements for a Class B digital
device under Part 15 of the Federal Communications
Commission (FCC) rules. These requirements are
intended to provide reasonable protection against
harmful interference in a residential installation. This
equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio
frequency energy and, if not installed and used in
accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful
interference to radio communications. However,
there is no guarantee that interference will not occur
in a particular installation. If this equipment does
cause harmful interference to radio or television
reception, which can be determined by turning the
equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to
try to correct the interference by one or more of the
following measures:
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
Increase the separation between the equipment and
Connect the equipment into an outlet on a
circuit different from that to which the receiver is
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV
technician for help.
Changes or modifications to this equipment not
expressly approved by the party responsible for
compliance could void the user’s authority to
operate the equipment.
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules.
Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
(1) this device may not cause harmful interference,
and (2) this device must accept any interference
received, including interference that may cause
undesired operation. Privacy of communications
may not be ensured when using this telephone.
To ensure safety of users, the FCC has established
criteria for the amount of radio frequency energy
that can be safely absorbed by a user or bystander
according to the intended usage of the product. This
product has been tested and found to comply with
the FCC criteria. The handset may be safely held
against the ear of the user. The telephone base shall
be installed and used such that parts of the user’s
body other than the hands are maintained at a
distance of approximately 20 cm (8 inches) or more.
This Class B digital apparatus complies with
Canadian requirement:
CAN ICES-3 (B)/NMB-3(B).
FCC Part 68 and ACTA
This equipment complies with Part 68 of the FCC
rules and with technical requirements adopted by
the Administrative Council for Terminal Attachments
(ACTA). The label on the back or bottom of this
equipment contains, among other things, a product
identifier in the format US:AAAEQ##TXXXX. This
identifier must be provided to your telephone service
provider upon request.
The plug and jack used to connect this equipment
to premises wiring and the telephone network must
comply with applicable Part 68 rules and technical
requirements adopted by ACTA. A compliant
telephone cord and modular plug is provided with
this product. It is designed to be connected to a
compatible modular jack that is also compliant. An
RJ11 jack should normally be used for connecting to
a single line and an RJ14 jack for two lines. See the
installation instructions in the user’s manual.
The Ringer Equivalence Number (REN) is used to
determine how many devices you may connect to
your telephone line and still have them ring when
you are called. The REN for this product is encoded
as the 6th and 7th characters following the US: in
the product identifier (e.g., if ## is 03, the REN is
0.3). In most, but not all areas, the sum of all RENs
should be five (5.0) or less. For more information,
please contact your telephone service provider.
This equipment may not be used with Party Lines.
If you have specially wired alarm dialing equipment
connected to your telephone line, ensure the
connection of this equipment does not disable your
alarm equipment. If you have questions about what
will disable alarm equipment, consult your telephone
service provider or a qualified installer.
If this equipment is malfunctioning, it must be
unplugged from the modular jack until the problem
has been corrected. Repairs to this telephone
equipment can only be made by the manufacturer or
its authorized agents. For repair procedures, follow
the instructions outlined under the Limited warranty.
If this equipment is causing harm to the telephone
network, the telephone service provider may
temporarily discontinue your telephone service.
The telephone service provider is required to notify
you before interrupting service. If advance notice
is not practical, you will be notified as soon as
possible. You will be given the opportunity to correct
the problem and the telephone service provider is
required to inform you of your right to file a complaint
with the FCC. Your telephone service provider
may make changes in its facilities, equipment,
operation, or procedures that could affect the proper
functioning of this product. The telephone service
provider is required to notify you if such changes are
If this product is equipped with a corded or cordless
handset, it is hearing aid compatible.
If this product has memory dialing locations, you
may choose to store emergency telephone numbers
(e.g., police, fire, medical) in these locations. If you
do store or test emergency numbers, please:
Remain on the line and briefly explain the reason for
the call before hanging up.
Perform such activities in off-peak hours, such as
early morning or late evening.
Industry Canada
This device complies with Industry Canada licence-
exempt RSS standard(s).
Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
(1) this device may not cause harmful interference,
and (2) this device must accept any interference
received, including interference that may cause
undesired operation.
Privacy of communications may not be ensured
when using this telephone.
The term ‘’IC:‘’ before the certification/registration
number only signifies that the Industry Canada
technical specifications were met.
The Ringer Equivalence Number (REN) for this
terminal equipment is 1.0. The REN is an indication
of the maximum number of devices allowed to be
connected to a telephone interface. The termination
on an interface may consist of any combination of
devices subject only to the requirement that the sum
of the RENs of all the devices does not exceed five.
This product meets the applicable Industry Canada
technical specifications.
California Energy Commission battery
charging testing instructions
This telephone is set up to comply with the energy-
conserving standards right out of the box. These
instructions are intended for California Energy
Commission (CEC) compliance testing only. When
the CEC battery charging testing mode is activated,
all telephone functions, except battery charging, will
be disabled.
When first purchased and properly installed for
charging (see
Install the battery
), put the handset
on the handset charger to charge. The CEC battery
charging testing mode is activated while charging.
If you have registered the handset to the
base, follow the instructions below to activate and
deactivate the CEC battery charging testing mode.
To activate the CEC battery charging testing mode:
1. Unplug the telephone base power adapter from the
power outlet. Make sure all handsets are plugged
with charged batteries before proceeding.
2. While you press and hold /
, plug
the telephone base power adapter back to the power
3. After about 20 seconds, when the
light starts
flashing, release /
and then press it
again within 2 seconds.
When the phone successfully enters the CEC
battery charging testing mode, all lights on the
telephone base turn off. All handsets alternately
To register HS...
...see manual
When the phone fails to enter this mode, repeat
Step 1 through Step 3 above.
The telephone base will be powered up as
normal if you fail to press
within 2 seconds in Step 3.
To deactivate the CEC battery charging testing
1. Unplug the telephone base power adapter from the
power outlet, then plug it back in. Then the telephone
base is powered up as normal.
2. Register your handsets back to the telephone base.
Refer to
Add and register a handset
For C-UL compliance only
Mesures de sécurité importantes
Afin de réduire les risques d’incendie, de blessures
corporelles ou d’électrocution, suivez toujours ces
mesures préventives de base lorsque vous utilisez
votre téléphone :
Lisez et comprenez bien toutes les instructions.
2. Observez toutes les instructions et mises en
garde inscrites sur l’appareil.
3. Débranchez ce téléphone de la prise murale
avant de le nettoyer. N’utilisez pas de
nettoyeurs liquides ni en aérosol. N’utilisez
qu’un chiffon doux et légèrement humecté.
4. N’utilisez pas ce produit près de l’eau, tel
que près d’un bain, d’un lavabo, d’un évier de
cuisine, d’un bac de lavage ou d’une piscine, ou
dans un sous-sol humide ou sous la douche.
5. Ne déposez pas ce téléphone sur un chariot,
support ou table chancelants. L’appareil
pourrait tomber et être sérieusement
6. Évitez d’installer le système téléphonique dans
les endroits soumis à une température extrême,
à la lumière directe du soleil ou à proximité
immédiate d’autres appareils électriques
ou électroniques. Protégez votre téléphone
contre les sources d’humidité, la poussière, les
vapeurs et les liquides corrosifs.
Le boîtier de l’appareil est doté de fentes et
d’ouvertures d’aération situées à l’arrière ou en
dessous. Afin d’empêcher la surchauffe, ces
ouvertures ne doivent pas être obstruées en
plaçant l’appareil sur un lit, divan, tapis ou autre
surface similaires. Ne placez pas cet appareil
à proximité d’un élément de chauffage ni d’une
plinthe électrique. De plus, ne l’installez pas
dans une unité murale ou un cabinet fermé qui
ne possède pas d’aération adéquate.
8. Ne faites fonctionner cet appareil qu’avec le
type d’alimentation indiqué sur les étiquettes de
l’appareil. Si vous ne connaissez pas le voltage
de votre maison, consultez votre marchand ou
votre fournisseur d’électricité.
9. Ne déposez rien sur le cordon d’alimentation.
Installez cet appareil dans un endroit
sécuritaire, là où personne ne pourra trébucher
sur la ligne d’alimentation ni le cordon
téléphonique modulaire.
10. N’insérez jamais d’objets à travers les fentes
et ouvertures de cet appareil, car ils pourraient
toucher à des points de tension dangereux ou
court-circuiter des pièces, ce qui constituerait
un risque d’incendie ou d’électrocution.
N’échappez pas de liquides dans l’appareil.
11. Afin de réduire les risques d’électrocution,
ne démontez pas l’appareil, mais apportez-le
plutôt à un centre de service qualifié s’il doit
être réparé. En enlevant le couvercle, vous
vous exposez à des tensions dangereuses
ou autres dangers similaires. Un remontage
inadéquat peut être à l’origine d’une
électrocution lors d’une utilisation ultérieure
électrique fonctionnelle. La prise électrique
ne doit pas être contrôlée par un interrupteur
mural. Les appels ne pourront pas être
effectués du combiné sans fil si le socle est
débranché ou mis hors tension ou si le courant
est coupé.
Possibilité d’interférences aux téléviseurs :
Certains téléphones sans fil fonctionnent
sur des fréquences pouvant causer des
interférences aux téléviseurs et aux
magnétoscopes. Pour réduire ou prévenir de
telles interférences, ne placez pas le socle du
téléphone sans fil près ou sur un téléviseur ou
magnétoscope. S’il y a présence de parasites, il
est conseillé d’éloigner le téléphone sans fil du
téléviseur ou du magnétoscope afin de réduire
possiblement les interférences.
Piles rechargeables :
Manipulez les piles
avec soin afin de ne pas les court-circuiter
avec des bagues, bracelets ou clés. Les piles
ou le conducteur peut surchauffer et causer
des blessures. Respectez la polarité adéquate
entre la pile et le chargeur.
Les bloc-piles rechargeables à l’hydrure
métallique de nickel :
Jetez ces blocs-piles
de manière écologique et sécuritaire. Ne les
incinérez pas et ne les percez pas. Tel que
les autres piles de ce type, elles pourraient
dégager une matière toxique qui peut causer
des blessures corporelles si elles sont brûlées
ou percées.
Limited warranty
What does this limited warranty cover?
The manufacturer of this VTech Product warrants to
the holder of a valid proof of purchase (“Consumer”
or “you”) that the Product and all accessories
provided in the sales package (“Product”) are
free from defects in material and workmanship,
pursuant to the following terms and conditions,
when installed and used normally and in accordance
with the Product operating instructions. This limited
warranty extends only to the Consumer for Products
purchased and used in the United States of America
and Canada.
What will VTech do if the Product is not free from
defects in materials and workmanship during
the limited warranty period (“Materially Defective
During the limited warranty period, VTech’s
authorized service representative will repair
or replace at VTech’s option, without charge,
a Materially Defective Product. If we repair
the Product, we may use new or refurbished
replacement parts. If we choose to replace the
Product, we may replace it with a new or refurbished
Product of the same or similar design. We will
retain defective parts, modules, or equipment.
Repair or replacement of the Product, at VTech’s
option, is your exclusive remedy. VTech will return
the repaired or replacement Products to you in
working condition. You should expect the repair or
replacement to take approximately 30 days.
How long is the limited warranty period?
The limited warranty period for the Product extends
for ONE (1) YEAR from the date of purchase. If
VTech repairs or replaces a Materially Defective
Product under the terms of this limited warranty,
this limited warranty also applies to the repaired
or replacement Product for a period of either (a)
90 days from the date the repaired or replacement
Product is shipped to you or (b) the time remaining
on the original one-year warranty; whichever is
What is not covered by this limited warranty?
This limited warranty does not cover:
1. Product that has been subjected to misuse, acci-
dent, shipping or other physical damage, improper
installation, abnormal operation or handling,
neglect, inundation, fire, water or other liquid intru-
2. Product that has been damaged due to repair,
alteration or modification by anyone other than an
authorized service representative of VTech;
3. Product to the extent that the problem experienced
is caused by signal conditions, network reliability,
or cable or antenna systems;
4. Product to the extent that the problem is caused by
use with non-VTech accessories;
5. Product whose warranty/quality stickers, product
serial number plates or electronic serial numbers
have been removed, altered or rendered illegible;
6. Product purchased, used, serviced, or shipped for
repair from outside the United States of America
or Canada, or used for commercial or institutional
purposes (including but not limited to Products
used for rental purposes);
7. Product returned without a valid proof of purchase
(see item 2 below); or
8. Charges for installation or set up, adjustment of
customer controls, and installation or repair of
systems outside the unit.
How do you get warranty service?
To obtain warranty service in the U
SA, please visit
our website at
www.vtechphones.com or call
1 (800) 595-9511. In Canada, go to
www.vtechcanada.com or call
1 (800) 267-7377.
: Before calling for service, please review the
user’s manual - a check of the Product’s controls and
features may save you a service call.
Except as provided by applicable law, you assume the
risk of loss or damage during transit and transportation
and are responsible for delivery or handling charges
incurred in the transport of the Product(s) to the service
location. VTech will return repaired or replaced Product
under this limited warranty. Transportation, delivery
or handling charges are prepaid. VTech assumes no
risk for damage or loss of the Product in transit. If the
Product failure is not covered by this limited warranty,
or proof of purchase does not meet the terms of this
limited warranty, VTech will notify you and will request
that you authorize the cost of repair prior to any further
repair activity. You must pay for the cost of repair and
return shipping costs for the repair of Products that are
not covered by this limited warranty.
What must you return with the Product to get
warranty service?
1. Return the entire original package and contents
including the Product to the VTech service location
along with a description of the malfunction or dif-
ficulty; and
2. Include a “valid proof of purchase” (sales receipt)
identifying the Product purchased (Product model)
and the date of purchase or receipt; and
3. Provide your name, complete and correct mailing
address, and telephone number.
Other limitations
This warranty is the complete and exclusive agree-
ment between you and VTech. It supersedes all
other written or oral communications related to this
Product. VTech provides no other warranties for this
Product. The warranty exclusively describes all of
VTech’s responsibilities regarding the Product. There
are no other express warranties. No one is authorized
to make modifications to this limited warranty and you
should not rely on any such modification.
State/Provincial Law Rights: This warranty gives you
specific legal rights, and you may also have other
rights, which vary from state to state or province to
Limitations: Implied warranties, including those of fit-
ness for a particular purpose and merchantability (an
unwritten warranty that the Product is fit for ordinary
use) are limited to one year from the date of pur-
chase. Some states/provinces do not allow limitations
on how long an implied warranty lasts, so the above
limitation may not apply to you. In no event shall
VTech be liable for any indirect, special, incidental,
consequential, or similar damages (including, but
not limited to lost profits or revenue, inability to use
the Product or other associated equipment, the cost
of substitute equipment, and claims by third parties)
resulting from the use of this Product. Some states/
provinces do not allow the exclusion or limitation of
incidental or consequential damages, so the above
limitation or exclusion may not apply to you.
Please retain your original sales receipt as
proof of purchase.