Need help?
For operations and guides
to help you using your
telephone, and for latest
information and supports,
go and check the online help
topics and online FAQs.
Use your smartphone or
mobile device to access our
online help.
• Go to
• Scan the QR
code on the
right. Launch
the camera app
or QR code scanner app
on your smartphone or
tablet. Hold the device’s
camera up to the QR
code and frame it. Tap the
notification to trigger the
redirection of the online
If the QR code is not
clearly displayed, adjust
your camera’s focus by
moving your device
closer or further away
until it is clear.
You can also call our Customer
Support at
• 1 (800) 595-9511 [in US], or
• 1 (800) 267-7377 [in Canada]
for help.