How Can You Help?
• Together with your child create sentences using blend words taught in Fish-
ing for Phonics™. Your child may wish to use a different color crayon/marker
when writing the blend word in the sentence so that it stands out from the
rest of the words.
• Create puzzle pictures with blends. Have your child write a word with a
blend on an index card, being careful to leave room on one half of the card
for an illustration to go along with the word. Then, your child could draw a
squiggly line to divide the blend word and the picture. Next, he or she should
cut the card in half by following the squiggly line. Continue with about nine
more words learned in Fishing for Phonics™. Mix all of the cards up and try to
match the illustrations to the words. Every time your child makes a match, he
or she should say the word and tell what blend is in the word. Continue until
all words have been matched with their illustrations.
• Ask your child to look at the Fishing for Phonics™ learning toy and then say
the names of all of the blends. Ask your child to think of one word for each
blend in the learning toy. Write them down as your child says them. See if he
or she can go around the circle again saying a different word for each
blend. Try and see how many words your child can come up with for each
blend. Your child may be surprised to find out how many blend words he or
she knows!
This activity explores spelling skills. Your child must rely on his or her knowledge
of letters and sounds in order to sound out and spell simple words. Your child
will be asked to spell the word shown on the screen. He or she will be able to
determine how many letters are in the word by looking at the number of
blanks on the screen. Your child will then need to enter in the letters of the
word in the proper order.
Learning Benefits for Your Child -
Learning Benefits for Your Child -
Learning Benefits for Your Child -
Learning Benefits for Your Child -
Learning Benefits for Your Child - The Spelling activity ties together all the
skills of letter and sound recognition that your child has been practicing in
activities 1-5. Your child should be able to spell simple words using the skills
taught throughout Fishing for Phonics™.
1. Slide the activity selector to the sixth activity. You
will hear “Let's go fishing!” followed by a short tune,
the activity name and instructions to spell a word. An
animation of the word will appear on the screen as
well as blanks representing the number of letters in
the word. The timer will begin as a “Tick Tock” sound
effect is heard.
4/8/99, 5:29 PM