Important safety instructions
When usng your equpment, basc safety precautons should always be
followed to reduce the rsk of fire, electrc shock and njury, ncludng the
Follow all warnngs and nstructons marked on the product.
Adult setup s requred.
Ths product s ntended as an ad. It s not a substtute for
responsble and proper adult supervson and should not be used
as such.
Ths product s not ntended for use as a medcal montor.
Do not use ths product near water. For example, do not use t next
to a bath tub, wash bowl, ktchen snk, laundry tub or swmmng
pool, or n a wet basement or shower.
: Use only the batteres ndcated n ths manual.
There may be a rsk of exploson f a wrong type of battery s used
for the parent unt. Do not dspose of batteres n a fire.
Use only the adapters ncluded wth ths product. Incorrect adapter
polarty or voltage can serously damage the product.
Baby unt power adapter:
Input 100-240V AC 60 Hz; output: 6V DC 450 mA
Parent unt power adapter:
Input 100-240V AC 60 Hz; output: 6V DC 450 mA
The power adapters are ntended to be correctly orented n a
vertcal or floor mount poston. The prongs are not desgned to
hold the plug n place f t s plugged nto a celng, under-the-table
or cabnet outlet.
Unplug ths product from the wall outlet before cleanng. Do not use
lqud or aerosol cleaners. Use a damp cloth for cleanng.
Unplug the power cords before replacng the battery pack.
Do not cut off the adapters to replace them wth other plugs, as ths
causes a hazardous stuaton.
Do not allow anythng to rest on the power cords. Do not nstall ths
product where the cords may be walked on or crmped.
Ths product should be operated only from the type of power
source ndcated on the markng label. If you are not sure of the type
of power supply n your home, consult your dealer or local power