My cordless handset
beeps and s not
performng normally.
• Make sure the power cord s securely plugged nto the telephone base. Plug the unt nto a
Make sure the power cord s securely plugged nto the telephone base. Plug the unt nto a
dfferent workng electrcal outlet not controlled by a wall swtch.
• Move the cordless handset closer to the telephone base. It may be out of range.
Move the cordless handset closer to the telephone base. It may be out of range.
• Reset the telephone base by unpluggng the unt’s electrcal power. Wat for 15 seconds and
Reset the telephone base by unpluggng the unt’s electrcal power. Wat for 15 seconds and
plug t back n agan. Allow up to one mnute for the cordless handset and the telephone base
to synchronze.
• Other electronc products can cause nterference to your cordless telephone. Try nstallng
Other electronc products can cause nterference to your cordless telephone. Try nstallng
your telephone as far away from these electronc devces as possble: wreless routers, rados,
rado towers, pager towers, cellular telephones, ntercoms, room montors, televsons, personal
computers, ktchen applances and other cordless telephones.
Common cure for
electronc equpment
• If the unt s not respondng normally, try puttng the cordless handset n the telephone base
or the charger. If t does not seem to respond, try the followng (n the order lsted):
• Dsconnect the power to the telephone base.
Dsconnect the power to the telephone base.
• Dsconnect the battery on the cordless handset.
Dsconnect the battery on the cordless handset.
• Wat a few mnutes before connectng power to the telephone base.
Wat a few mnutes before connectng power to the telephone base.
• Re-nstall the battery and place the cordless handset nto the telephone base or charger.
Re-nstall the battery and place the cordless handset nto the telephone base or charger.
• Wat for the cordless handset to synchronze ts connecton wth the telephone base. Allow up
Wat for the cordless handset to synchronze ts connecton wth the telephone base. Allow up
to one mnute for ths to take place.