Sound signal
By using the warning sound signal, you have the following options:
As soon as your dog does something wrong, you can send a warning sound signal in order to
warn it.
You can draw the dog’s attention to you.
Combine the sound signal with the command “come” or “heel!” and reach your dog even at
longer distances. This way, the remote trainer replaces a dog whistle.
First, always send the warning sound signal before sending the static impulse. This way, the dog
quickly learns the connection between wrong behaviour, the warning sound and the following
uncomfortable feeling caused by the electric impulse. The preceding warning signal is very
effective. However you must ensure that you always use it the same way in order not to irritate
your dog.
Correction impulse
If your dog reacts neither to your command nor to the warning sound signal, you can send it an
static impulse (first select the suitable level) in order to draw its attention to you again. This impulse
is uncomfortable to your dog. It will learn very quickly to obey your commands in order to avoid the
correction impulse. The remote trainer is not intended to hurt the animal, only to be used as training
help to improve the communication between dog and human. The longer you train your dog, the
fewer electronic impulses will be required, as the dog learnes from the consequences of its undesired
behaviour. With time, the warning sound signals or even only your command are necessary.
Decide for yourself whether you want to send a continuous impulse (press the button for up to
4 seconds) or a short impulse (press the button only for a short period, but at least one second).
At the beginning of the training with the remote trainer, use a continuous impulse. The dog does
not yet know the device and muss perceive it clearly. However, do not set the intensity very high
in order not to frighten the dog and to offer it a possibility to realise what is happening.
Use the short impulse if your dog has already become accustomed to the training with the
remote trainer and is already familiar with the continuous impulse. Now set the intensity a little
bit higher so that your dog can also feel the short impulse.