After disassembly, all parts should be cleaned
in kerosene or alcohol and then blown clean with
compressed air.
Fig. 16. Checking fuel lever.
1. Gauge SVO 2324
2. Float chamber cover
Fit of suction chamber piston
Test this fit when the carburetor is disassembled
and cleaned.
1. Screw in the damping plunger but do not fill
with oil.
2. Plug the hole in the lower part of the plunger
at the needle.
3. Place the piston in the chamber (without spring)
and turn the chamber upside down.
4. Measure the time taken by the piston to sink
from the upper edge level of the large part.
The time taken is normally 5-7 seconds.
Assembly and refitting on the engine is carried
out in the reverse order to that used when dis-
assembling and removing.
Before assembling, check that all gaskets and
sealing glands are free from damage. Replace
these if necessary. Make sure that all other parts
are neither damaged nor worn.
Neither the suction chamber nor the piston may be
filed or rubbed with emery paper since this will
change the fit and this has been very carefully
calculated so that the carburetor will function
properly. Any small unevenness can, however, be
carefully rubbed away.
When attaching the needle in the piston it is very
Fig. 17. Attachment of fuel needle.
A=attaching level
important to ensure that the needle assumes the
right depth. See under the heading "Replacement
of fuel needle".
Do not tighten the float chamber hollow screws
too hard otherwise the gaskets can be damaged.
The piston in the suction chamber is grooved and
a guide projection in the carburetor housing fits
into this groove. Lubricate the piston spindle
lightly with thin engine oil before reassembling.
The jet must be centralized before it is tightened.
See under the heading "Centralizing the jet".
Add oil (engine oil SAE 20) to the damping cylin-
ders after reassembling the carburetors.
The shaft between the carburetors should be fitted
so that there is a small axial clearance at both
ends. Make sure that the fuel pipe between the
carburetors is curved upwards when tightening the
hollow bolts so that the carburetor levers are free
at full throttle.
Checking the fuel level
The fuel level can be checked indirectly after re-
moving the float chamber cap.
1. Loosen the fuel line and remove the float
chamber cap.
2. Turn the float chamber cap upside down.
3. Measure the distance from the float chamber
cap to the lever by means of gauge SVO 2324
as shown in Fig. 16. When the needle valve
is closed, the needle valve lever should just
contact the gauge.
4. I f necessary, bend the lever where it joins
the yoke-shape section in order to maintain
the clearance mentioned in point 3 above.