Volvo 1990 740 Model
Car care
pg. 87 Car care
Car care includes not only maintaining the appearance of the car, but also protecting the car exterior
from the effects of air pollution, rain and mud.
The rustproofing compound under the car should be checked regularly and, if necessary, damaged areas
should be repaired.
The paintwork should also be touched up immediately, if damaged, to prevent rust formation.
Paintwork damage
Washing the car
Cleaning the upholstery
pg. 88 Rustproofing
What causes rust
The two most common causes of rust to your car are:
The accumulation of road dirt and moisture in hard-to-get-at cavities and other areas under the car.
The removal of paint and protective coatings on the outside of the car and underneath through damage
by stones, gravel or minor accidents.
Several factors influence the speed at which corrosion will occur:
The length of time various parts of a car stay wet. Parts of the car
filled with road dirt and water remain damp for long periods of time even after other parts have dried.
Particular attention should be paid to the underside of the car and floor sections inside. The floor
sections stay wet because moisture collects and remains under the floor matting.
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