Volvo 1990 740 Model
Check seat belt mechanism function as follows:
1. Attach the seat belt. Pull rapidly on the strap.
WARNING! Check other traffic before performing the following
2. Brake firmly from approximately 30 mph (50 km/h) or turn in a tight circle while pulling on the belt.
In the above checks you should not be able to pull the belt out.
During pregnancy
Pregnant women should always wear seat belts. Remember that the belt should always be positioned in
such a way as to avoid any possible pressure on the abdomen. The lap portion of the belt should be
located low, as shown in the above illustration.
Legislation in your state or province may mandate seat belt
file:///K|/ownersdocs/1990/1990_740/90740_07.htm (6 of 10)12/30/2006 8:25:53 AM