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Содержание 240 1984

Страница 1: ...Seruice Manual Repairs andmaintenance Section 1 17l 7 500Mile Maintenance Service 1984 DL GL GLE Canadal Turbo Diesel ...

Страница 2: ...ion flLrid 821and 823 lMiscellaneous Adiust valves Replacetiming gear belt B2lNCanadai lMiscellaneous COemissions check 821F Turbo B23F D24diesel Miscellaneous Valve clearance adjustmert ldlespeeds Setting enginecontrols Compression test Checkingadjust ng injecto s Opeation Page 1 2 1 18 10 41 A6 15 81 83 1l c1 c4 18 D1 Dl0 19 E1 E4 22 F1 F4 23 G1 G2 24 H1 25 t1 t2 25 J1 J2 J3 J4 K1 K2 K3 K5 L1 11...

Страница 3: ...ndstamped Thechart aswellastheoperations inside themanual liststheactual mileage whentheservace insoection shouldbe oerformed Greatcarehasbeenexercised to makethecharteasyto read Groupingof mileageandservices facilitate findingof intervals for theserviceoperations 7 500Mile12 500 km Maintenance Service EMTSSTOTVS Seruiceevery 7 500miles 12 500km Emissions Items marked EMISSIONS havebeen determined...

Страница 4: ...ll itemson this pageshould be inspected al 7 500mile 12 500 km intervals miles km 7 500 12 500 15 000 25 000 22 500 37 500 30 000 50 000 37 500 62 500 45 000 75 000 52 500 87 500 60 000 100 000 67 500 112 500 75 000 125 000 82 500 137 500 90 000 I50 500 97 500 162 500 105 000 175 000 112 500 187 500 120 000 200 000 10 11 12 t4 17 18 Incar A2 A3 A5 A6 Exterior lubrication 81 Hoodhinges 82 Doorhinge...

Страница 5: ...23F D24diesel Fluids Rear axle lvl46 manual transmission aaa aaa aaa oaa c1 aoa aaa aoa aaa G2 aaaaoaHl aaaaaaH2 aaaaaaH3 aaa aaa ooa aaa t1 aoa aao aaa aaa t2 aaa a oaa a aaa aaa aaa aaa aaa aoa aaa aoa oaa aao aaa aaa a aaa a aaa a aaa a aaa aaa aaa aaa oaa oaa aaa a aaa oaa aao oaa EMtSStONS EMtSSTONS EMtSStONS EMtSStONS Engine oil andfilter J1 J2 Gasoline engines INOTE Turbointervals J3 J4 Die...

Страница 6: ...t timing EGR valveoperation P12 Clean fuelpumpstrainer P13 Replace airfiltercartridge P14 Check centrifugal advance P15 Check fuellines 01 O16 COemissions check 821F Turbo Rl Tighten nuts exhaust pipeto turbo R2 Check turboseal R3 Torque clampscrews Checkof turbo system R4 R5 Connectinstrument R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12 R13 R14 R15 R16 aaa aaa aao aaa aao aaa a a a a a aao oaa aaa aaa aaa aao aaa aaa...

Страница 7: ...S EMtSStONS B23F Replace airfiltercartridge Replace spark plugs Replace oxygensensor resetlight Replace fuelfilter Positive crankcase ventilation same adverse conditions Replace fueltanktilter D24diesel Draincondensate Positive crankcase ventilation Coolingsystempressure check Replacing airIiltercartridge Replace fuelfilter Check luellines Drivebelttension Valveclearance adjustment Engine controls...

Страница 8: ...le warmengine Nostalls on acceleration or deceleration Nonoise fromengine Normal warmup Normal engine operation Normal acceleration Leaks Reinstall hardware removed atJactory Staner alternator operation lgnition andsteering lock Instruments control lights Clutch adjustment Clutch operation o Elestrical Drivetrain Correct operation Manualtransmission ...

Страница 9: ...akino Parkpositionoperation Driveshaftsandbearingnoises Powerassist No pullwhenbraking hard Pedal pulsatlon Spongy brake pedal Parking brake Correctsteering Stoering wheelpositionand return Steeringwheeleffort Steeringlooseness Powersteeringlunction Nosuspension noises Rear axletight Tireunbalance Accessory operation Heater andheatercontrols Speednoises Bodynoises Visibledefects Cleansteeringwheel...

Страница 10: ... m Theseruice chartslistmileageup to 90 000 milos 150 000 km Space andreadability setsa limit Onthefollowingpageis a listthat goesto 300 000 miles 500 000 km lt crossreferences actual mileage whenaservice shouldbeperformed andwhatintervalservices shouldbepedormedatthat mileage 8 ...

Страница 11: ... Nni i r t rr ir r t i air rtiiaii iiil rlr a1ir rarllr arlir r rarriiiiii lil l t ii 1 iai ii li i i i i ar arq l rir r l rr r l i r i iiiiri rajiii lirj tiji i ili i ili i l illilllll Sliiiii iil f f i r rr a a fi liii ti i r i rtl1 rf iirlls ri_iidix r i l tllrl t aiilliiiriliii r l 11 f1 Ll 1 r i r lri3l ilr 1 ii i lll li l r r 11 xri I3 iri i8i li li l a r 1 t 6 i46liiiij l i iilr I 1i ril 1i...

Страница 12: ...on 4 ry E 11 Heater controls Setallcontfols in positions whereairflowvents areclosed Heater control on COLD Depress DEFcontrol Check that air is blowing fromdelroster ventopenings Depress FLOOR control Check thatairis blowing fromfloorventopenings Alsocheck thatair is blowing to rearseat Runengine untilat normaloperating temperatu Check thatairexiting ventsisstillcold Setheater control to WARIM Ch...

Страница 13: ...inutes unless keyisturnedOFF Check AIRCOND control Startengine Actuate AIRCONDswitch Check that maonetic clutch functions visually andby sound Switch engine off Check horn Depress horncontacts at alternate places Check thathornoperates atallpoints Check turn signals Check thatleftandrightfrontandrear turnindjca torlights aswellasindicator lights on instrument panelflash Check that leverreturns to ...

Страница 14: ...reon andhighbeamindicator lightisout Checkinstrumentpanellightsandlights in gearshiftcontrol Mustbeaccomplished either inadarkened area or by looking directly at lamplens openingl Switch onLIGHTS switch Check thatlightintensi ty increases and decreases by turning rheostat firstclockwise thencounterclockwise 10Q Checkparkinglights Check thatalllightsareon 0 Qr 12 0r 11 Checkbrakelights n o n r o c ...

Страница 15: ...eckthat all lightsareon Checkback up lights Setshiftselector to reverse Check thatbothlightsareon Check rearreflectors andlenses Check thatref lectors andlenses arenotdamaqed Fillwasherlluid reservoir Usecleanwaterand solvent In belowfreezinq conditions usewasher solvent anti Ireeze ...

Страница 16: ...IPE controlon sto6ringcolumn Check spoed in first and secondposition ptus rmervat postflon Check wiperblade alignment andparkDosition Forwagonmodels Check tailgatewiperbyactua tins REARA VIPE WASH 18 Adiustwindshieldwasherdischarge nozzles Washsr l etsshouldhitwindshield10 20 cm 4 8 from upperedgeandapprox 35 cm 12 from doorpillar Adjustnozzles by inseninga needlein metalin sen and rotateinsert Fo...

Страница 17: ... indicates brake Iluidleakage or booster vacuum leak A3 Checkparkingbrake Applyparking brake Adjust if it isnotlullyapplied afterpulling 10 11 notches Afteradjustment adequate brakingpowershould beobtained after pulling 2 8notches pulling force approx 65 lbs Adjustthroughrearof parking brake console Check thatcatchis operatingcorrectly Check that indicator light on instrument panel goeson Release ...

Страница 18: ...ff Automatictransmission checkshift control Clearance in position D towardoosition N shallbe the sameas clearance in position 2 toward Dosition 1 ou0 Check steering Turnsteering wheelbackandfonh with wheels resting on ground Check steering wheelplaywithwheelspointing straightforward Jackupfrontendandplace stands undercontrol armsclose to wheels Turnsteering wheelfullyto rightand leftposi tions Che...

Страница 19: ... 82 Lubricate doorhinges doorstopsand strikerplates Lubricate doorhingeswith heavyoil Usedoor waxto lubricate doorstops Check that latches lockin bothouterand inner posrtrons Checkthat door stopsare in workingorder and providepositivelockingin intermediate andouter oostt ons BiJ Lubricate trunk lid tailgatefor wagons Lubricate lid gatehinges Useheavyoil 17 ...

Страница 20: ... 1 Check wearpattern lt may indicate unbalance incorrect camber toe in or incorrect tirepressure Check thattiresmounted on bothfrontandboth t rearwheels arethesame radial cross ply tread U studded 0r 0r a t 1 Check tiresandtire pressure q c a r i r o h 1 6 r a l r h 6 l Generally Economy andmax5persons invehicle use36psi front andrear Comfort andmax3 persons invehicle use26psi frontand27 30psi rea...

Страница 21: ...heelbearing for noise Wheelbearings whicharenotadjusted properly cancause noise Frontend Se ice every7 500miles 12 500 km D1 Check front shockabsorbers Visually check shock absorbers for leakage NOTE Do not mistake moisture on shockabsorber for reaKage Check front springs Checkspringattachment and condition Checksteeringgear Check steering gear rubber bellows fordamage Check thatsteering gearistir...

Страница 22: ...t 12and6 o clock positions foreach extreme check controlarm bushings shockabsorber spindle andupper strutaftachment forplay or0 Check steeringrodplay Jigglewheelat 3 and I o clockpositions with wheels pointing straight ahead Judgement guideline Playalongradiusof wheelis not permitted and should be remedied immediately e 0 I D7 checkballioints Vehiclerestingon wheels Check play Maximum playpermitte...

Страница 23: ...y asshownin illustration Rubbersealdamaged serviceimmediately Roddamaged serviceimmediately Jointworn serviceimmediatelv l laximum allowable axialplayforjoint 3 mm El18 t D9 Checkcontrolarms Check control armsfordamage Check controlarm bushings usinga pry bar as shownin illustration Check for wear cracks or otherdamage Controlarm damaged seiviceimmediately Bushing play service immediately Bushing ...

Страница 24: ...theyarefreefrom damage and do not ub against sharpedges LnecKTor teakaoe 0 Checkparkingbrake Check thatrubberbellows outercables andsus pension arein order 0 0 0 E4 Serviceat 15 30 45 60 7 5 go thousand miles 25 5L7r100 1 25 150 th ousandkm lnteruals 15 0 nmiles 25 000 km Check wheelbrakes Bemove wheels Check padthickness witnmrrror andwiregauge 3 mm 0 12 lf padthickness is lessthan3 mm wiregauge ...

Страница 25: ...t rearward negative play to allowforwear Freemovement rearward shouldbe 1 3mm approx 5 64 L N Tari Tl 1 i IF tt Y rr r sfrifr 06 F3 Automatictransmission Adiustshiftcontrol Clearance between positions DandN shallbethe sameasclearance between position 2 and1 lf necessary adjustat the bottomend of gear setecror F4 Checkpropeller shaftandsupport bearings Check thatU jointboltsaretight Turnshafts to f...

Страница 26: ...reis no needto retor que all bolts nuts etc unless parts arefoundto be loose Specifications are provided as a guide for tighteningloosehardware Nm ft lbs 85 45 A B c D E F G H I J K Rerctionrod Bodyattachment Rearaxleattachment T ackrod Panhard rodl Rear axleattachment Bodyattachment RearSpring Upperattachment Lowerattachment Shockabsorber Upperattachment Lowerattachment Trailingarm Bodyaftachment...

Страница 27: ... a Checkrearaxle Check for leakage andoil level Oillevel shouldbeupto fillerplughole Fluid typerAPIGL 5 t 4lL L 2105 I or C ViscosityrSAE90 Whentemperature issteadily below15 F 10 C useAPIGL 5 SAE80W oil Useoilswith proper additives for carsequipped withlimited siipdifferential Manual4 speed transmission with over drive M46 Check forleakage andoilLevel Oillevel should be uptoJiller plughole Transm...

Страница 28: ...ic oils may be usedif specifications comply Fuel saving oilsarerecommended Whenusing suchoils oil change intervals recommended by Volvomust beJollowed 0r Oil and filter changes Replaced first time at 600 1 200 mile 1 000 2 000 km insoection Subseqirent changes Mileageor time whichever comes first Seechanbelow 0 12 500 km or 6 2s0 km or 12 500 km or 3 750 miles 6 250 Viscositv stableambienttemperat...

Страница 29: mended foruselnextreme drlving condl tions rhatinvolve highoilremperarLre andconsumption e g mounlain driving wilhtfequentdecelerario nsorfasrholoMay driving Notehowever the lowertemperatu re imits 3p 2p rp q rg 2p 30 4p c SAt1o Jo sAE l5 rr0 Oil andfilter changes Replaced firsttimeat 6001 200 rnile 1 000 2 000 km inspection Subsequent changes Mileageor time interval whichever comes first Seec...

Страница 30: ...Lthousand km Inbruals 30 000miles 50 000km K2 Replace coolant Removereservoir filler cap Draincoolantby disconnecting lowerradiator hose Fillwith newcoolant 50 water 50 antifreeze UseonlyVolvocoolantTypeC blue green Re install fillercap Serviceevery 7 500miles 12 500 km Fluids K3 0 Brake fluid level In enginecompanmenL checkbrale linesand brake fluid rese voir forleaks I Check brake fluidlevelwith...

Страница 31: ...tilled wateronlv Check baftoryholddownbracket fortightnessand that cablesaresecured Checkcondition of Automatic Transmis sionFluid Discoloration andsmellcanbe causedby heavy engine loads suchastowing lf this is the case removeand cleanoil pan oil strainerand paniclemagnet Followprocedurcs outlinedin L7 L10 Under normal conditions drain fluidbyremoving drainplug FollowDrocedures outlinedin L2 L6 Dl...

Страница 32: ...ose Fill2 quartsof AutomaticTransmission Fluid BW55 ATFtvoe F or G AW70 AW71 Dexron 11 Runengine Startengineand letidle SwitchengineOFFwhen air bubblesbecomevisiblein hose 0 Q I Checkconditionof AutomaticTransmis sionFluid Fluidmustnotcarryimpurities discoloratjon or sme I 30 Adiusttluid levelasdescribed in L11 t L6 Reconnect returnpipeto automatic transmission Fill2 quartsof AutomaticTransmission...

Страница 33: ...all oil panandfillertube Applyoilto pangasket priorto installation Use newgasket Torques Filler tubeconnector Pan bolts 8W55 yellow marking BW55 bluemarking Nm ft lbs 90 65 86 107 L10 Filloil Totalojl capacity cannotbe refilled Approx 3 4 liters 3 6qtswasdrained therestbeingstored intorque converter andcontrol systems Fill2 9liters 3USqtsolAutomatic Transmission Fluid BW55 ATFtypeFor G AW70 AW71 D...

Страница 34: ...perature isobtained whendriving forabout 30 minutes At oil temperatureabove 90 C level maybeabove MAXmark Seruiceevery 7 500miles 12 500 km Checkoil levelforautomatic transmission lf necessary fillAutomatic Transmission Fluid to normal level When checkingfluid level car shouldbeon levelgroundin PARK position with engineidling lf topping up is necessary fill through dipstick tube NOTE Dipstick hasg...

Страница 35: ...losed throttle L 1mm 0 04 Open throttle L 51mm 2 01 Setuiceevery 7 5 n miles 12 500km Checkenginecontrols Check joints bushings andthrottle shaft forwear Checkthat cable links andsprings areserviceable andcorrectly installed Adlust play Lubricate ioints usinga lightoil NOTE Donotapplylubricant to cable o o Mi Serviceat I EMISSTO IS 30 60 90 thousand miles 50 1 n 1 5O thousadd km ln ruals 30 000mil...

Страница 36: ...checking clearance shouldbe coldengine 0 25 0 45 mm 0 010 0 018 hotengine 0 300 50mm 0 012 0 020 Whensetting clearance shouldbe coldengine 0 35 0 40 mm 0 014 0 016 hotengine 0 40 0 45 mm 0 016 0 018 Same clearance forintake andexhaust valves NOTE Always check valve clearance withcylinder attop deadcenter Alwaysturn 1 4turn aftertop dead centerto set N2 e 0 v3c lf clearance is incorrect Lineup valv...

Страница 37: ... ot discto be used Example Measured clearance 0 50mm Correctclearance 0 40mm Difference 0 10 mm Measured thicknesson existinqdisci 3 80mm Correct thickness on newdiscw illthusbe3 90 0 10 mm 3 90mm oo Discsavailable From3 30to 4 50mm in increments of 0 05mm NOTE Installdiscswith marksdown N7 Remove tool 5022 35 N8 Posiiionnewdisc It should be oiled N9 ...

Страница 38: ...rectpositionfor firing No 3 cylinder Check clearanceas described previously lf necessary correctclearance Ir Cyl 4 Repeat procedure 0 N12 Cy 2 Repeat procedure Re check on allcylinders Turnengine afewturnsbefore checking Nt3 t f 36 N15 Position valvecovergasket Installvalvecover Hex10mm Torque 12 5Nm 9 ft lbs ...

Страница 39: ... inter mediateshaftmarks Remove old belt o1 1l 02 Installnervtiming belt Timingb ltshouldbeingoodcondition andfree Iromgrease anddirt Firstplacetiming belton crankshaft sprocket and thenon intermediate shaftsprocket Newbeltshaveyellowmarks Twolinesontiming beltshouldtittowardcrankshaft marks Nextmark shouldthenlit towardintermediate shaftmarks etc o3 Stretchontensionsideandfit timing on camshaftsp...

Страница 40: ...etiminggearbelt 05 Tension timing beli Loosen tensionernutto letspringtension roller andthustension timingbelt Tightennut Ho 17mm aq on 06 Checkmarksandtorquenut Rotate clockwise andre check marks Torque 50Nm 37ft lbs o7 0 1 Installtiming gearcover Ho 10mm ...

Страница 41: ...da Check s haustsystem Check condition alignment andsuspension P2 Checkdamperoil level AutomaticTransmission Fluid to6mmfromtopof cylinder Checkchokecontrol Check oDeration ofchoke control Checkthat indi catorlightcomesonwhenchoke control isen gaged P3 A 39 ...

Страница 42: ... andattachments l ChecUadrust dwell angle Should be 62 t 3 Run startermotor from remotestaner oick uo point P6 Check Pulsair airiniectionsystem Disconnect airhoseataircleaner Check thatairis beingdrawnin andthatno back oressure exists I I t Incaseof problems Disconnect hoses at Pulsair valves Startengineand hold handabovevalves should be suckedin throughvalvesand exhaust gases beforced out 40 ...

Страница 43: ... condition and clogging Clean nipple andflameguard Replace sparkplugs Spark plugsmustbetightened to specific torque for properoperation and to avoiddamageto threads Spark plugremoval andinstallation mustbepeF tormed whenengine iscold lowreading ontem perarure gaugel D o B21A Gap Torque plugthreadsnotoiled VolvoP N273592 6 setof toud or Eosch WTDC 0 7 0 8mm 0 028 0 O32 20 30Nm 15 18 ft lbs Lubricat...

Страница 44: ...tion test 1 coldenqine olantteFp raturebelow 55oC EGB v6lvtshourdbeLlosed ata l sDeeds w h d coldengr e tncrease rpmandcheckthat EGBvalvedoesnotopen Check byobservinq conrrolrod seeillusnalion IfEGR valve ooens it isanindicationthatthermostaticvalve is defective and shouldbe replaced lr shouldnol open unlil coolanttemperature hasreached 5560 C 130140 F 0 l 0ra 42 2 W rm engine coolanllemperarute a...

Страница 45: ...dvacuumamplifier lcornectionmarked B Usemourhto blow throughand checklhatthermostatic valveis openandvacuurnlinesnol f thermoslatic valvedoesno1open firstcheckthal coolanl iemperature is high enooghto open coo a Gmperatu e should bewellabove 60 C 140 F D s D Clean fuelpumpstrainer Alsoclean fuelpumpsludge accumulator Carefullychecksealand s aling surfaces before re installing ID D P13 Replace airf...

Страница 46: ...0 BTDC No increase or smailin crease indicatesdefectivedistributor mecha nism cDl Pl5 CI Check fuellinesfor tightness Check thattherearenotuelleaks in engine com panmenL Alsocheck foroilandfluidleaks COemissions check B21A Canada Serviceat 25 50 75 100 125 150 thousand km lnteruals 25 000km 0 a1 Connect CO meter Insertprobeapprox 40 cm 16 into exhaust ptpe Connect tachometer Formeasuring rpm I ...

Страница 47: ...itted provided engine runsproperly Priorto readings increase engine speedmomentarily to 1500 rpmto allow coldfueltoentercarburetor a5 COsetting lnitial COsetting ismadeatthefactory andshould notneed to bechanged TheCOadjustment screw issealed fromaccess lf COis outside limits and all othercauses for incorrect COreadings have beenchecked usetheprocedures thatfollow adjustment lf COisoutside limits ...

Страница 48: ...mentassembly Pressup fuel needleand adiustmentscrew approx 810mrn useatube outer diameter max 7 mm andinnerdiameter min 3 mm length100 mm f_l l a8 COadiustment Press down adiustment screw Usea ounchmax 3 mm diameter to oress down adlustment screw to bottomposition Upperlock washer shouldremain attop a9 COadiustment Remove lockwasherandflat washer Turnlockwasher sideways anduseasteel wireto remove ...

Страница 49: ...ine to 3000rpm 50r s COadjustment 412 Adiust Usetool 5159to adjustluel needlepositionin carburetor Adlusting rangeis approi turns Turningtool clockwiseincreasesCO counter clockwise rcducesCO Makesuretool lugsgrip recesses in air valve spindle Otherwise carburetor diaphragmmay oecome damageo o 47 413 COadiustment Install adiustmentseal Remove damperoil Usepaperto absorbit or remove oiston andoourit...

Страница 50: ...ntonance Seruice B21ACOcheck au Reconnect Pulsair l 10 0 Checkthat drops Toconfirmthat Pulsairis functioning Adiustidlespeed Engineat normaloperatingtemperature Duing and afterCOadjustment idle speedshould be 900t 50em 48 o ...

Страница 51: ...g Sealon controlrod from pressure rcgulator to wastegate actuatormustbe unbrokenandintact Seal canbea compressed sleeve nutor wireand leadseal Anti tamper seal Itisimportant towindwiretightly around actuator rod asshown otherwise sealwill loosen dueto vibrations Volvoanti tamper sealtongs PartNumber998 6408 4 have Volvo stamped on grips NOTE Tampering with emissioncontrolcomponents maybeaviolation...

Страница 52: ... 5230 Connect to distributor airpressure unit Plughose removed D I E L L gs i Connectinstrumentto checkLamboa systemdutycycle Forthispurpose a highquality dwellmeter canbe used Scalemustextendto at least70 4 cyl set rngl Dwell meter isconnected to Lambda sondservtce otcK uo 0 r 0 rl R6 Check timing retard Startengine run at idle Noteignitiontiming Pumppressure to 36kPa 5 osi lgnition timingshouldr...

Страница 53: ...ays steady reading of 58 5 56 62 allowed Airpressure reading atthatinstant should be20 3 kPa 2 9psi D I T L J c l0 4 jl 1 l71 1 rD R8 Checkoverloadprotestionswitch Pumppressure untilenginestalls Air pressure reading shouldbe70kPa 10psi At the sametime air pressure gaugeon instru mentpanelshouldgo to red and red Turbo warning lighton instrument cluster should illumi nate Incase ofincorrect reading ...

Страница 54: ...rkplugsmust be tightenedto specific torque for proper operation and to avoid damage to threads Sparkplug removaland installation must be per formedwhen engineis cold low readingon tem peraturegauge Super sparkp ugVolvoP N273594 2 setof four or Bosch WRTDS 0 7 0 8 mm 0 0280 032 20 30Nm 1F22ft lbs Seruiceat 15 30 4 60 75 90 th ousand miles 25 50 75 100 1 2r15 th ousand km lntervals 15 000 miles 25 0...

Страница 55: ... 40t 4ft lbs Check electrical connections Reset Lambda sond remindetlight Remove panelandswitchcover Press button Re installcover panel 120395 r0 0 Replace fuelfilter Fuelfilter located onIirewall arrowon filter Noteflowdirection 0 30 60 90 thousand miles 50 100 150 thousand km 30 60 9 O thousand miIes 50 100 150 th ousand km lnteruals 30 000miles 50 000km Seruice at 60 n0miles 100 000km lntervats...

Страница 56: ... 100 000 knr NOTE Drivingunderadverse conditions forinstance city drivingunderhot conditions requires servicemoreoften 15 000 mileintorvals Positive crankcase ventilation Checkhosesfor conditionand clogging Clean ntoDle nr6 o Replace fuel tank filter Usetool 5169to romovoand reinstall fuel gauge sender ln wals 60 n0miles 100 Unkm ...

Страница 57: ...perating conditions D Replace sparkplugs Spark plugsmustbetightened to specific torque for properoperation and to avoiddamageto tnreads Spark plugremoval andinstallation mustbeper formed whenengine iscold lowreading ontem peralure gaugel t B23F Gap Torque plug threads notoiled Super sparkplugVolvoP N273594 2 setof four or Bosch WRTDS 0 7 0 8mm 0 028 0 032 20 30Nm 15 22 ft lbs 30 60 90 thousand mi ...

Страница 58: ... underleltrear seat Remove fueltillercap To prevent vacuumin tankwhenreplacing fuel filter Disconnect fuellinesat tuelfilter lmportant Havea vesselreadywhen looseningfuel filter connections Fuel in fuel system not tank will come out Replace fuel filtel Bemove clamp retaining fuelfilter to bracket Transfer bracket to newfuellilter Noteflowdirection on fuelfilter Install fuelfilterandclampassembly t...

Страница 59: ...rv drivingunderhot conditions requires service moreoften 15 000 mileintervals Volvorecommends cleaning flameguardat 15 000 mileintervals Positive crankcase ventilation Checkhosesfor conditionand clogging Clean nippleand flameguard Seruiceat 60 000miles 100 000 km lnte als 60 000 miles 100 000km Reolace fueltanklilter Usetool5169 to remove andreinstall fuelgauge sender 0 57 ...

Страница 60: ...thousand km 15 000miles 0 Positive crankcase ventilation Remove hose Clean hose andconnections Check hose fordamages replace iI necessary Hose mustbeinstalled sothatnooilwilldraininto airintake mainfold Coolingsystempressure check Connect pressure tester in hosebetween radrator andexpansion tank Thiswaycooling system will bechecked intrueworking conditions Caprelief pressure should be65 85 kPa 9 1...

Страница 61: ...rubberseal does not seal properly air wiLl be suckedinto systemand impairoperation i0 Fuellines Check for leaks ffom supplyandreturnlines as we I asfromdelivery pipesystem andfuelsystem Repair asnecessary Torque for delivery pipesis 25Nm T8ft lbs be possibleto de 3 16 5 16 haltway Checkdrivebelttension lf necessary adjust lt should pressdrivebelts5 10mrn betlveenpulleys 30 60 n thousand miles 50 1...

Страница 62: boltto turnengine to position forfiringon No 1 cylinder BothcamlobeslorNo l cylindershould pointup atequally large angles Flywheeltiming markat0 cl cre b3 Check valveclearance for cylinderNo 1 Valve clearance coldengine atroomtempera ture lntake valves 0 15 0 25 mm 0 006 0 010 Exhaust valvesl 0 35 0 45 mm 0 014 0 018 Valve clearances warmengine 1 nearoperating temperature lntake valves 0 20 0 3...

Страница 63: ...depressors Line up valve depressors Turn them so that notches pointslightly inward Usetool 5196to depressvalve depressors De pressorgroovesmust be abovethe faceso that disccanbe grippedwith pliers5 195 b6 Removedisc Usepliers5195 b7 Calculate thickness of discto be used Valveclearances whensetting Coldengine lntakevalves 0 20mm 0 008 Exhaust valves 0 4O mm 0 016 Warmengine lntakevalves 0 25mm 0 01...

Страница 64: ...o simplify calculation US approx 0 1181 to 0 1673 jn increments of 0 002 Useonlynewdiscs 62 b12 l cl b11 Recheck valveclearance for allcylinders Rotate engineseveral turns beforerechecking Adjustif necessary Positionnew disc Itshouldbeoiled Install withmarksDOWN bl0 Checldset valveclearance for remaining cylinders Usefollowing cylinder sequence 1 5 3 6 2 4 0 _ 0rI Installvalvecover Usenewvalvecove...

Страница 65: ...ectric tachometer VolvoP N999 9795 9 or 9990901 2 or similar c2 Runengineto normaloperating temperatu re c3 Checldadiust low idlespeed Shouldbe 7501 50 rpm Applytamper sealonscrewandlocknutwith paintafter adJustment e 0 I c4 Checuadiust highidlespeed Maximum speed is 5200t 100rpm Applytampersealon screw andlocknut withpaintafteradjustment DONOTraceengine longer thanabsolu tely necessary cp Remove ...

Страница 66: ...tingcontrols Losenscrew1 pushleverforwardandturnsleeve 90 NOTE DONOTtouchscrew2 lf this screwis loosened coldstartdevicemustbere seton testbench Engdged 123169 d2 Disconnect link rodat leveron iniectionpump Adiustaccelerator cable Turncable sheath untilcable isstretched but doesnot inlluence pulleyposition Pullev should touchidlestoo 0tl 0tl d3 Checkmaxaccelerator position Depress accelerator peda...

Страница 67: ...g D d6 Re adiust link rod Bepeat operations 7 and8 untilcontrol is correctlyadjusted A clearance of max0 3mm 0 012 is permittedbetweenpulley and max speedstop Re connest coldstartdevice lfdisconnected Automatictransmission Adiustkickdowncable Depress accelerator pedalto floor Kickdown cableshouldmoveapprox 52mm 2 05 be tweenendpositions Kickdown cable shouldbestretched in idleposi tion and distanc...

Страница 68: ...followingmaintenance serviceitemsareto be performedat75 000 mile 125 000 km intervals Beadthroughandunderstand theseitemssothattheyareknownshouldit be necessary to perform themat an earlierlnterval i e duringrepairsetcl Compression test Checking adjusting injectors at 75 000 mib 125 000 km intervals e l e10 t1 f7 s1 933 ...

Страница 69: ...prcssion test Seruiceintervals 75 0miles 1 000km e1 Disconnect wire at stopvalve lnjection pumpwillnotpumpfuelandfuelspillis therebv avoided e2 Remove vacuum pumpplunger pumpandvacuum e3 Clean Throughly clean luel delivery pipes and connections e4 Remove fueldeliverypipes Plugallconnections to prevent din fromentering fuel system 67 ...

Страница 70: ...nginjoctors injectortestscheduled at 75 000miles 125 000 km shouldbe perfor meo Position heatshieldin cylinderhead Screwin nipple5191 andseal Torqueto70Nm 50ft lbs Connection compression testerto nipple5191 Run nginewith startermotorandreadcompres_ sronoressuro Correct compression pressures Newengine 3 2MPa 455psi Minimum 2 4MP 340psi Max difference betweenrylinders 0 8MPa 115 psi 128153 r rrE I e...

Страница 71: ...MaintenanceService D24 diesel compression test lnstallfueldeliverypipes Torque to 25Nm 18ft lbs 0 uo Connect wire to stoovalve e10 Install vacuum pumpplunger and vacuum pump Check O ring on vacuum pump replace it neces 0 ...

Страница 72: ...damputation N4any states require operation oJair evacuation equipment duringtesting of diesel injectors The fuelfumesmaybedangerous if inhaled OiI 0rI When testing openingpressure and injector tightness aremostimportant Spraypattern and iniectionsound are more difficultto assess Theydo not giveany satisfactory indication of nozzle condition Onemustconsider that realinjection is into a comoletelv d...

Страница 73: ...ure is incorrect first performleak test nextoperation beforeadjusting 0 0 f5 Leaktest P r p c r o r 6 6 n r n o l Wipeinjector nozzle Pumppressure 11MPa 1560 psiandretain thispressure for 10seconds Theremustbe no fuetdripfronrnozzle A moist nozzle isacceptable 0 f6 Adjustinginiectoropeningpressure Opening pressureis adjusted by washers Washers areavailable inthicknesses 1 00 1 95 mm 0 040 0 0768 i...

Страница 74: ...ed together andnot mixedwith partsfrom other rnlectors Cleanandcheckparts Usecleandieseloilto cleanall pans Use nozzlecleanertool to cleannozzleneedle and nozzle sleeve Replacedamaged parts Nozzle needle and nozzLe sleeveare matchedand replacedas an assemDty Assembling iniectors Useclean gasoline to clean storage grease from Thenimmerse newpartsin dieseloil priorto assemDry Assemble injector Torqu...

Страница 75: ...port Whendraining coo lant it runsa ongspiash guardunder engine and doesnotmess floor Place vessel underleftsteering rod e g l 0 g2 Draincoolant Removeexpansion tankcap Disconnect lowerradiatorhoseat radiator Disconnect lowerhoseatthermostat for coldstart device Poinl hose downward ard drain pngine coolant Thereareno draincocks Lowervehicleand removejack Remove raotator cooling fanwithspacer andpu...

Страница 76: ...eel timing mark at 0 Remove vibrationdamoercenterbolt Usewrench5187to hold Usewrench5188to removebolt It mightbe necessary to turn engineslightlvto permit wrench 5187 to restoncooingfanjournal 2 s60 top dead 0 mark Use Check thatcylinder No 1isat center lf necessary adjust flywheel to wrench5187to turn engine l l J Ir a g7 Remove vibrationdamper Remove fourscrews inhex6 mm Pul vibration damper NOT...

Страница 77: ...y Tapnewidlerpulleyinto llolt replacing timinggear puller5202to remove position Install center c r0 910 Remove reargearon camshaft Usewrench5199 to holdreargear Usewrench 5201 to removecenterbolt Makesurecamshaftis not rotated 911 Lockcamshaftin position Lift valvecovergasket Installgauge5190in groove on camshaft gearrearend Position a0 2mm 0 008 feeler gauge under left sideof gauge 5190 The0 2mmg...

Страница 78: ...aft MUSTNOTrotate nrt a 124229 rqr s14 lnstalllowerbeltshieldandvibration damper Vibration damper fitsonewayonly There isa pin on crankshaft gearto locate vibration damper Install 6 mm inhexbolts Torque to 20Nm 15ft lbs I s15 lnstallcenterbolt Applysealing agent P N 277961 9 to boltthreads andcontactsurfaces Usewrench 5187 to holdvibration damper lt can reston cooling fanjournal use wrench5188 to ...

Страница 79: ...arbeltuntil markon plunger isflushwithgauge sleeve Depress timinggearbeltheavily byhand Recheck timinggearbelttension Adjustif required 918 Tightencamshaft front gear Use wrench 5199to holdgear Make surecamshaft or geardoesnotrotate Torque center boltto 45Nm 33 ft lbs Remove gauge 5190 andfeeler gauge s19 Disconnect coldstartdevice Loosen screw1 Pushleverforward Rotate sleeve 90 Pushlever backagai...

Страница 80: ...hameasurjng range of0 3mm Setindicator gauge atapprox 2 mm Turn injectionpump clockwiseuntil marks on injectionpump gear and bracket coincide gz b Setindicatorgauge Turn injection pump gear slightly counterclockwise untilindicator gauge is atminimumreading Setindicator gauge atzero Turninjection pumpgearclockwise untilmarking on in lection pumpgearandbracket coincide lJse stop5193 to lockiniection...

Страница 81: ...01with atorque wrench lt should beat a rightangleto wrench5201 to givecorrect readrngs lJsewrench 5199 to turncamshaft gearuntilthe indicator gauge registers 0 85mm 0 0334 Holdcamshaft gearin this position whiletight eningcenter boltto 100Nm 73ft lbs Camshaft or gearmustnotchange position s26 Remove stop5193 Checkiniectionpumpsetting Turnengjne twofullturnsuntilcylinder No 1isat topdeadcenter andi...

Страница 82: ...ngscrows Thenturn injectionpump outlvarduntil reading on indicator gaugeisapprox 0 75 mm 0 029 Thenturn inwardto obtain reading0 85 mm 0 0334 Tightenretainingscrews Re check injectionpumpsetting NOTE Injectionpump MUSTNOTbetappedor knocked asthiswill altersettings Remove indicatorgaugeandgauge holdeL Installplug Torque 9Nm 6 5 ft lbs g3o Reconnect cold start device Pushleverforwardandturnsleeve 90...

Страница 83: ...Pf t rflru m ourm lrn6tt l roLIrio vtc romt au romE Arn6tr rYPrc t s33 Volvo a I wealher Anli FreezeType C blue grcen should be used all year ro nd cooling system shou d a ways coniain water pl s anliiieeze even during summer Experiencehas alsoshownth texiremelyweakanu freezesol iions 1020 provide poor rosi prolection For this reason ratio of anli ireeze summer coolartto walersho ld be 1to 1 Fill ...

Страница 84: ...thatthereareno abnormal noises fromthe throw outbearing 2 That theclutchoperates correctly withoutslipping or chatter Manual transmission Ch6ck 1 Thatthetransmission operates correctly without abnormal noises andthatshifiing operation issmooth Automatictransmission Check l That thegearselector playiscorrect 2 That thestarteroperates onlyinposition P or N andtheback uplightsoperate in position R 3 ...

Страница 85: ...teeringfunctionscorrectly Springsand wheels Check 1 Thatthere arenoabnormal noises fromshock absorbers orrear wheel suspension 2 When drivingthat the rearaxleis ttght 3 Tire unbalance or out of roundness when drivinq o Bodyandinteriorequipment Check 1 That all dealerinstalledaccessories operatecorrectlv 2 That heater andheatercontrols operate correclly 3 That thereareno abnormalspeed notses 4 That...

Страница 86: ......

Страница 87: ...llational lnslitutetor tun owt nYtcE EXCq r E CE v0lv0suPPof ls v0tuiltaRY ttlEclllllCCERTltlCATl0ll 8YIHt il t 1 S t usA 0r LY ...

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