Cooling System
The freshwater system is the internal cooling system
of the engine. It is a closed system and shall always be
filled with coolant that protects the engine from internal
corrosion and frost damage if the climate requires it.
Anticorrosive additives become less efficient with age
and the coolant must therefore be changed in
accordance with the recommendations in the
maintenance schedule.
The rawwater system is the engine’s external cooling
system and it is either a seawater system or a central
cooling system. It cools the internal cooling system in
an engine mounted or externally mounted heat
The Volvo Penta Genset comes with an internal
freshwater system connected to an engine mounted
heat exchanger, a radiator cooler, or prepared for
external cooling, e.g. keel cooling or central cooling.
Do not open the coolant filler cap when the engine is
hot. Steam or hot fluid could spray out, causing severe
All coolant is hazardous and harmful to the
environment. Do not consume. Coolant is flammable.
For coolant specification, refer to section
Check the coolant level on a cold stationary engine.
Coolant to be added should have the same
concentration as the coolant in the engine. Do not add
plain water.
Certain parts of the system are made of light alloy.
Chemical additives must therefore not be used when
cleaning the system.
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