Connection, commissioning
Except for an LED as status display, a change-over switch for the
various secondary transformer windings, a rectifier and a charging
electrolytic capacitor, the plug-in power supply units with direct
voltage output do not include any electronics, i.e. they are non-re-
gulated. Consequently, the power pack is only short-circuit-proof
to a limited extent. In case of an extended short-circuit on the out-
put of the power pack, the thermal release in the transformer’s pri-
mary winding triggers once (single-use protection device). When
connecting a consumer, make sure that it is connected to the po-
wer pack in switched-off condition.
Before establishing any connection to the mains socket outlet,
check the correct setting of the output voltage.
Never turn the adjusting knob for the output voltage
during operation. This might damage any connec-
ted consumers (radio or walkman etc.) and destroy
the power pack by break sparks generated on the
switching contacts.
The output voltage is adjustable from 3 VDC (DC = „direct voltage“)
to 12 VDC, which should cover most applications.
Depending on the type of power pack, it enables a current drain of
max. 300 mA (for PA-300) up to max. 800 mA (for PA-800).
An arrow mark is located on the connecting socket at the end of
the cable. These arrow marks are provided on both sides of the ex-
tra-low-voltage plugs supplied. A defined terminal polarity is assig-
ned to each arrow mark. Depending on the connection to the
connecting socket, the following ensues:
(outside -) or