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T H E   F U T U R E   O F   Y O U R   B U S I N E S S   D E P E N D S   O N   E F F E C T I V E   C O M M U N I C A T I O N

It’s easy to take a look back and see how far business communications has

evolved over the years. Technology has made it possible for us to become

increasingly mobile, allowing us to respond to customer needs in new 

and ever-changing ways. With the Internet taking a firm hold of the 

marketplace, your customers may be a block away, across town, or across

the Atlantic. In an increasingly virtual marketplace, the playing field has

transformed. The challenges you face become more complex but the 

tough questions remain the same.

• Will you be there when the customer calls?

• Will you make the best impression?

• Will you increase revenues?



Be Anywhere, and Everywhere, for your customers.

Thirty-eight percent of America’s work force consider 
their cars, homes and hotel rooms a virtual office. This
statistic is expected to rise substantially in the coming
years. With fewer people physically located at an 
office location, the ability to stay connected with your 
customers becomes an increasingly important challenge. 



has a host of mobility solutions that can 

be teamed up with a single office extension, thus 
eliminating the need to juggle multiple extensions 
and mailboxes.

A   P H O N E   E X T E N S I O N   O N  Y O U R   P C



is a solution that provides a fully functional

extension of the host telephone system right on a laptop
PC. All you need is a USB headset and a broadband 
connection. Nomad


also integrates seamlessly with 

contact management software for greater efficiency 
and ease of use.

A  W I R E L E S S   H A N D S E T   E X T E N S I O N



is a wireless IP (Wi-Fi


) handset that operates via

wireless access points placed throughout your site. This
allows your employees to be more productive by freeing
them from their desks. The handset can also be used 
from any 802.11b wireless hot spot such as an airport or
Internet cafe.

A   P H O N E   E X T E N S I O N   O N  Y O U R   P D A



allows you to enjoy the benefits of having an

extension right on your PDA. NomadPDA provides the
convenience of mobility and more at your fingertips!

Be there for your customer or someone else will.

Convenience. We thrive on it. Your customers demand it.
When you’re the customer, so do you. No one likes to 
be placed on terminal hold or transferred to voice mail
without an opportunity to talk to a real live person.


provides powerful tools that enable you to

always be there for your customers. 

H AV E  Y O U R   C A L L S   F O L L O W  Y O U  

Have your phone ring at another location while you’re
away from your desk. Transfer all calls to your cell phone,
or just the important ones. Do what it takes to ensure
you don’t miss an opportunity.

T O P   S H E L F   C U S T O M E R  A C C E S S



comes standard with a powerful Automatic

Call Distribution (ACD) package that will allow you to
better manage your call flow. For even greater control,
Discovery Manager allows you to report on calling 
activity for a variety of purposes, from measuring 
performance in a call center environment to making
staffing decisions based on peak activity hours.

E L E VA T E   I M P O R T A N T   C A L L S

Expecting an important call? Desktop Call Control allows
you to see who is calling right on your desktop PC, so you
can take that call, even if you’re already on the phone. 
If you’re speaking with your best customer, you can 
transfer new callers to an associate or your own voice
mail, all from your PC. Desktop Call Control is available
with optional PathFinder


messaging server.



