Before starting lay out all parts to
your mount and match them to the parts
list provided. Verify that you have all
your parts before attempting to assemble
the mount. Also before attempting to
assembly the ER-184-4PKIT you should
have already assembled the ER-184.
First attach the connector plates
(#10) to the support plate A (#4A) using
the ¼” – 20UNC screws (#7).
Next you should connect the support plate A (#4A) to the left and right “L”
supports (#2A and #2B).
Note: To do this properly you first attach plate by lining up
the rearmost hole and inserting the screw (#7). Once you have done this you will need
to grab the support plate and slightly twist it until the foremost holes line up with the
holes in the “L” supports.
Attach the middle connector plates (#11) to the left and right “L” supports (#2A
and #2B) using the ¼”- 20 screws and nuts (#7 and #8).
Now you should connect the ER-184-4PKIT to the ER-
184 by first removing the four screws on the rear of the support
plate (#4B). Now using those plus the remaining ¼” – 20 screws
and nuts (#7 and #8) attach the ER-184-4PKIT to the ER-184 by
attaching the connector plates (#10) to the support plate (#4B),
the middle connector plates (#11) to the left and right supports
(#1A and #1B), and the left and right “L” supports (#2A and
#2B) to the back of the base plate (#3).
Enjoy your rack!
Step 2 : Attaching the connector
plates to the support plate
Step 3 : Attaching the “L”
Step 4 : Attaching the
middle connectors