Installation and Setup, Socket Mode
(Default mode):
1. Install the Vlinx Manager software on the host
2. Connect the Server serial Port to the serial
device. For DCE, use a straight through cable.
For DTE, use a crossover (null modem cable)
3. Connect Ethernet cable or serial null modem
cable between host computer and Server (use
Serial Port 1 on Server for serial connection).
4. Reboot the Server (push Reset button cycle power).
After startup the RDY LED starts blinking .
5. Set up the wireless network configuration for your
Host PC connection to AP (wireless Access Point).
6. Set up the wireless network configuration for your
Serial Server connection to AP.
Configure the WLAN settings via Ethernet port
a. Connect the Server to a Host PC via a crossover
Ethernet cable.
b. Reboot the Server (push Reset button or cycle
c. Log in the Server through
Launch Webserver
Configure the WLAN settings via Serial Console
(use Serial Port 1).
a. Run a terminal emulation program (such as
HyperTerminal or PuTTY) with the following settings:
115200, 8-N-1.
b. Configure the WLAN settings to match your AP’s
settings (Network Type, SSID, Security Mode, Key,
etc). A typical setting example is illustrated as below:
7. Set up the wireless network configuration for your
Server connection to match the AP configuration:
Note 1:
Please make sure Host PC and Serial
Server are in the same subnet.
set DHCP to Enable at “Network Settings” on web
Note 2:
After configuration, disconnect the
Ethernet (or serial) cable and reboot the Serial
8. Open the
Vlinx Manager
software. It will
automatically search for reachable Server s. A list
of all Servers connected to the LAN will appear in
the Server List window.
9. Double clicking the selected Server on the server
list will bring up the web page.
: If you cannot see Server appearing on the
search server list, correct the wireless network
settings to enable the WLAN network connection.
You can check out the WLAN settings using the
Ethernet port or through Serial port 1 at Console
10. Confirm whether the WLAN settings match the
AP’s. For example, from the console UI, check out
the WLAN Status, like screen below.
Install Virtual COM Driver
(Refer to section 2-B, first page)
Test Data Communications
(Refer to section 2-C, first page)
4. WLAN (Wireless) Set Up
[continued from Test Communications, first page]
2. Set Serial Type, Baud Rate, Data/Parity/Stop,
and Flow Control
match the configuration of
the serial device connected to the Server serial
3. Enter Console mode from Vlinx™ web server.
4. Press space
, check
page to
validate the Server is working.