r M
Operation Manual
VKI Publication #202377-001
Message Displayed
Action(s) Required
Wiper Safety Fault
The IC of the wiper driver is in fault
1 - Reboot the machine.
2 - If message persists, the control
board may need to be replaced.
Wiper Timeout
Wiper motion is timed out: brewer
is moving too slow (or stopped),
unable to reach required position in
the allotted period of time.
1 - The wiper may be jammed/binding.
2 - Check wiper motor connections.
3 - The wiper motor may need to be
Wiper Unexpected Item
A wiper sequence step was received
while a wiper was already in progress.
1 - Clear the message.
2 - Reboot the machine.
S1, S2 Machine No Cup Light 1 Short /
Machine No Cup Light 2 Short
Cup Light LED #1 or #2 is shorted.
1 - Replace LED/harness.
Impossible temperature (greater than
over heat or below 0)
Invalid temperature being reported. 1 - Inaccurate temperature reading -
replace the temperature probe.
Water Tank Temperature
Probe Short
Temperature probe is shorted
1 - Check the wiring and connection
to the temperature probe.
2 - Replace the temperature probe.
Water Tank Temperature
Probe Not Present
Temp probe is open.
1 - Check the wiring and connection
to the temperature probe.
2 - Replace the temperature probe.
Water temperature is not rising
Water temperature is not increasing
while in heating mode.
1 - Check wiring and connections to
heater relay, heater element and
control board.
2 - Heater relay may need to be
3 - Element may need to be replaced.
4 - Control board may need to be
Valves & Relay current is under
minimum operation level
Valves & Relay current is below the
minimum operating level.
1 - Clear the message.
2 - Check wiring and connections to
inlet and outlet valves.
3 - If message persists, the inlet
valve or one of the outlet valves
may need to be replaced.
Valves & Relay current is over
safety level.
Valves & Relay current has exceeded
the maximum operating level.
1 - Clear the message.
2 - If message persists, the inlet
valve or one of the outlet valves
may need to be replaced.
Coffee Dispensers Over Current
The coffee dispensers current sum
was over the configured stand by
operation level.
1 - Clear the message.
2 - Reboot the machine.
Machine Fan Blower Over Current
The fan or blower current sum was
over the configured stand by
operation level
1 - Clear the message.
2 - Reboot the machine.
Powder Dispensers Over Current
The powder dispensers current sum
was over the configured stand by
operation level.
1 - Clear the message.
2 - Reboot the machine.
Powder Whippers Over Current
Powder whippers current sum was
over the configured stand by
operation level
1 - Clear the message.
2 - Reboot the machine.
Water Tank Coil Valves
Over Current StandBy
Valve(s) current has exceeded the
configured stand by operation level.
1 - Clears automatically. If not,
reboot the machine.
Water Tank Detectors
Power Failure
Fault signal triggered due to a failure
of the level probes and overflow
detector power supply.
1 - Clear the message.
2 - Reboot the machine.
3 - If message persists, replace the
control board.
Water Tank Heater
Over Current StandBy
Heater current has exceeded the
configured stand by operation level.
1 - Clears automatically. If not,
reboot the machine.