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Содержание SV422XVT

Страница 1: ...ebsiie M can as to purchase a 53139 Write down the seriai number mated 9 me back oi you HDTV for ea y reference when abtaiaing wairanty support 8eriaiA V Puichase Date Vfzicisetagstereditademafir ofVf...

Страница 2: ...ensure reliable operation of your HDTV and to protect it from overlrearling be sure these epenings are not blocked or covered Do rial place your HDTV in a beokcase or cabinet unless proper ventilation...

Страница 3: ...pair your HDTV yourseif Avoid using dropped or damaged appfiances if your HDTV is dropped and the housing is damaged the intema cernponents may function abnorma iy Unplug me power cord immediaaeiy and...

Страница 4: onset and disconnect the antenna or cabie system IEVKIIDBlfliflifwil umsumms I mwmmammsvetzwuarm Power Limes Do not Iocaie the antenna near overhead tight or power circuits or where it coukiiall in...

Страница 5: ...E Connecting to the Internal Seiecfmg an input Source Setting the Tsme Zane Daylight Savmg Watching a TV Program Vsewing Digkaiw Pmgram information NFC Button GUIDE Button Expaonng vzzio Ememe1AI395 M...

Страница 6: ...36 38 36 3 37 Adding Deieting Apps Mating Apps I Using Pmfiies Creating a New Pmfle Switching Frames Edifing your Praffle Removing a Pwfla Updating yourTV C mPTE R Ir i DJU J1918 YOEJR Him SETTWG8 Us...

Страница 7: ...urce 49 Posiiion 49 Size 49 Audio A9 Network Menu 50 wired Connection 50 Mamsai Setup 50 Clxange Saltiragb Test Coanecfion wreiess Conneciiors 3 wireless Access Poinis More Access Poims Manna Setup En...

Страница 8: ...eck that yuur HDTV is in good condition and that an of the contents are included The gmss surfase can easify be scraicheii or broken so hamfie your HDTV genffy am never piece your HDTV with the glass...

Страница 9: ...r HDTV has 802 3 doai aand wireiess builoin which is also compatibie with 802 11 and 802 11g wireless networks so you can connect your TV to the intemet thmugn your wirefess home network 0 you can con...

Страница 10: ...h your specific war rnount to property hang your HDTV Wall Mount Specs c Hare Paliem 400mm x 200mm Screw Size M5 Pitch 1 0mm Afiaching rm safety strap when your HDTV is not mounted on the wall use the...

Страница 11: ...ta iaunm the V3210 mtemei Apps VIA Dock on the ix tiom of the TV inciuding me HDTV Settings A99 used is make adgustrnems ta your TV SH A1 Ymuse these buitrms so step up ordown thew channels Men in a m...

Страница 12: ...ica cemecior for connection in a J Z 0V Swami Bar if yam home theater system b ANALOG UR Connect the audio fmm ycur HDTV ta an external device such as a V Z O Sound Bar or a home theater system Nmampf...

Страница 13: ...autionary figs for tnserting the Batteries i Q 0 V Oniy use quality AA batteries De no mix new and aid baitefies This may resuk 5n masking or ieakage that may cause a tire 91 lead to personai ixfiury...

Страница 14: ...Seiiings App used to make aoiustments to your TV This bastion also opens the menu for the crevice connected to the active input Le HDMI COMP A Press to navigate open menus adjust othorw settings such...

Страница 15: ...arding 7 step I Press to stop piaybacidrecaming 2 i i x WA Functicns V L Use these bufions on war remme cantroi to comm the V1210 imemei Apps WA functions on your HDTV See Using WA on page 33 for more...

Страница 16: ...he remote oonlrol season so to the ieft and right 20 up and down Your remote control aiso has Biuetooth and when paired with your HDTV allows you to point the remote control anywhere to controlme TV T...

Страница 17: socket V 3 Gather the devices your want to cmmeci to your HDTV Dom canned them yet We wisi heip you dz the in the Setup App 7 4 Tum on your TV The Sefap App wiii aulsamai cafiy play and guide your...

Страница 18: ...A V Turn on your device and you will see a picture an your HDTV ll there is no picture make sure you have selecleclime correct input on your HDTV Nate lf the selected device is RF mmected your HDTV ne...

Страница 19: ...ill cyde thxough the availabie inputs Press iNPUT until me input associated with the device you want to View is snowa 3 Mess using the TV input press the CH L or 7 bufisans io changefbe channei The ch...

Страница 20: information provided by the bmadcasier abmzi me surreal and upcoming pregiams Press 4 or to go to the previous 0r next channei in me guide Press A 0 7 to sew thmugh the list and View iafosmazian a...

Страница 21: ...n the WA E Praas OK in I span an Am V Va 2 C M e ile App 5 96 a 8 3 rwxe a an 13 name ale c t wasto ziisceve wsre m_TV semgg AD pmie and ofApps in Apps sud 2 w 1 3 3d he Mr2 A t TV mndicns like W3 via...

Страница 22: ...atsies for taansmitiirig iiiazieo and two ft j cables far uransniiiing audio one red aad one white Componeni vizier 39 provides 3 sharper imagethan Composite videu and shauid be used gaming 9 _ instea...

Страница 23: ...r HDTV supparts High bandwidth Qigitafi Conieni Protection HDCP HDCP encrypts ihe transmission between ihe video source and the digitai disptay ioradded security and protection Retails your cab eisaIe...

Страница 24: ...cabteisaielfite hex to work with your V1230 remade control See Device Seiup on page 45 for more informaiion on satfing up your remeia 7 Using S Video Better 1 2 3 4 5 6 Tum of your HDTV anti set op b...

Страница 25: ...V Program your cabieisatemte boxto work with your V5210 remote centrot See Device serup on page 45 for mare infnrmaiitm on setting up yam remoxe N7 f Using Coaxial Antenna Compatible COAXIAL Turn of t...

Страница 26: ...information on setting up your remote 0 The HDNR input on your HDTV supports High bandwidth DEgita Content Pmteclicn HDCP HDCP encrypts me transmission between the vi eo sauce and the digitai ciisp a...

Страница 27: ...player to wart with your V1210 remote controi See Bevice Sesup on page 45 for more information an setting up your remote Using S VIdeo Be1ter 1 Turn offthe power is your HOW and DVD player 2 Connect t...

Страница 28: ...side of ma TV 6 Program your DVD piayefio wart with your WZEO remote nontml See Device Setup an page 45 for more intonnafion an sailing up your remote Connecting Ccaxiat RF Using Your Antenna ot Digi...

Страница 29: ...ton on the remoie control or side of the TV 6 Program yourVCR to war with your VIZIO remake sontml See Device Setup on page 45 for more information on seating up your remote 5 Usfng AV 1 mm off the po...

Страница 30: ...s I in seiect Audio and then press SELECT I Press Y to setea W Speaker s and1hen press SELECT 8 Press to seiecat Of F so the sound from your HDTVwin be routed through your Home theme system 9 Adjust o...

Страница 31: ...remate contrm See Devfice Sew aapage 45 To me information on setting up your iemoie M Connecting a Computer RG8 VGA 1 Se corngxner to a respiuiicn sufipofled by your HDTV see Preset PC Resolufions on...

Страница 32: ...wireless home nemork A wired connection can sometimes deiiver a more consistent connection depending on the conditions in your home enfaonrneni See Nemmk Mom on page 59 for deiaiied information on se...

Страница 33: ...either wired networking using an Ethernet gable or with wire ess nelwotking if you have 2 wireiess inlemet connection See Network Menu on pag ss far deiafled infamxaiion an setiing up year internet co...

Страница 34: ...piaying on the TV while the HDTV Settings App or any other App is open an me efi srde of the W As L you press the blue butipn you wifi see the image change 7 s RED Press to exit from the active App o...

Страница 35: ...on the WA Dock Press the Yarrow button to drop the App in mace Using Profiles The Profiia App arrows you 10 se up a user profrie ma you ran cusiornize to have ycvur own persorrai set of Apps in the W...

Страница 36: ...Frame App and then press OK _ Press Y to select Profile Settings and then press OK Mcuriify the required iieids 10 change the pmfileusing your vemoie Press 1 to select Done 7 5 4 7 Removing a Proflie...

Страница 37: APP and then press OK The Main Menu wili be shown on the A screen 3 Press 4 A or Y on ma remote cenim to 9196 fine of the menu options 0 SEEM 0 W366 CC o Steep Tzmer TV Setfings P1P Network 0 Btuei...

Страница 38: ...fe picxure This is secommended for HDM3 and RGBlcom u1er viewing 5 you can see the compieie picture without the image everstretching beyond the viewing area if you expecience noise atong the horde swi...

Страница 39: ...y e feature is avaiiable when watching digital TV a Captiun Style Seieci either As Broadcaster or Cusiom if Custam is seiecied you can cusiom ze the way Ciosed Caption is dismayed The epticns avaiabte...

Страница 40: ...rightness The brighiness adjusts the biack levels in the picture if tire brightness is ten low you was not be able to see the detail in darker 7 V parts at the picture and if the brightness 3510 high...

Страница 41: ...howing the advanced functicns available for fine tuning of the picture Smooth Motion Effect The Smuath Mofion Efrec option aclivales Motion Esllmaiionllmtion Compensation MEIMC which suppresses rnelio...

Страница 42: ...tches the movement of the tips of someone ta king on the screen TV Speakers Turn the internal speakers on or off You may want to tum the intemat speakers off when tisteniog to the aurtio through your...

Страница 43: ...entral yotzrdevlce 1 Turn the device On 2 Point the W210 remote directly at the device 3 Press OK to select Confirm Remote Connectton The t will attempt to communlcate with the destce 4 Paint the VlZl...

Страница 44: ...nd than sefect From manna To Channe and then seiect Stan F0 a iisfing of digitai TV statians in your area visit w vw aniennaweu org Add Analog Channei Mauuailybadd missing channels Emer me channei num...

Страница 45: ...ce under In Labels 4 Sfide the remote contra open and begin typing in a new label name ou can aiso salad Show Keybaard and use the an soregn keyboard instead of the remote control 5 Higmighi and seiec...

Страница 46: ...caqthea be made awsiiabia only after an authorized passward hasbeen enf ted and accepted by the TV To sales the aptiom in the Panama sutumenu press OK and than ante 3 password The delaufl password se...

Страница 47: ...Ratings is set to OFF CAN English adjusunems are net avaizabie Press OK ta block fiecked or anew mocked channels by the followktg Canadian Engfish ratings C Chiidren 8 C 1ik3ren 8 yeats or aide G Gsn...

Страница 48: ...Pfess 4 at to make the seieclion and then press OK to accept it ma y u sure cu wan ta RESET A Menu Language Salad is change ihehnguage of the mems The defaufl is English You can aiso select French or...

Страница 49: top of the mam sciean Ira POP mode the main screen and sub scseen are at equal size and are positioned side byside Evie 1 4 r a 33 s fh nT I PIP Source Sam the iapu source for the sunscreen The in...

Страница 50: ...nate DNS Server Warning umess you are an advanced user and are oomfortabie with V wrred and wireless neiworks do not adiust these settings Test Connection Seieor this option to test your noiwork conne...

Страница 51: ...womplease refer to the user manna for your wireiess outer if ccmrac the manufaciuxer or either your route or year intemet Sen ice Pym ider if they prov ded the muier foryou Biuetootb Menu The menu afi...

Страница 52: ...eturn a sefiings it factory dataufi including your App seriirxgs user names and passwords WZIG recemmends deing this in the uniikely event that you win need to return yearTV 1 Enter your ztdigit passw...

Страница 53: ...O 677 698 4946 or email us at techsupport V Z30 com Wmisplay Troublesbocting o Pmss WPUT 11 se ec zh consci input stance for device ya ate attempting to use I 11 HI d d OH NO sigma 33 shew on n Esme a...

Страница 54: ...e button at a time o Perform a power cycle by Removing the AC power came from the back at your terevisionfor 30 seconds Roinsert the power cabie and power on the t revrsiorr a Standard Defirriiiorr rm...

Страница 55: ...nna is connected securaiy to the TV and move the antenna aroundthe mom or close is a window 2 Check the video savings of your mama device o Check videoidevice cabie integrity Try another cable SHDMI C...

Страница 56: ...e 3 u use another devrce input Insure ihat new batteries are inserted oarrsctiy ink ths remote Crear any previously saved pairing informatian in the remote using the vnabieto pair the V1210 fonovving...

Страница 57: ...the Internetcomedian ta make sure it is working See Network Merry arr page 5 oter derailed rnforrnafiarr Q Disabra MAC address filtering inyaur suireress router o Update your wireless router or devic...

Страница 58: ...B digital device pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules These ttmtts are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmtut interference in a residenttat instattation This equipment generates us...

Страница 59: ...g ta for ATSCIQAM Channel skip Signai compa my 480i sow 4239 wow mp HDTV 16806 HDTV zaaop mow Vzdeafinput naming capability Ciosed capfion Parental can to N Chip 2 0 Pmgtammat is Times PIPIPOP SR3 TSH...

Страница 60: Ccalition CERC have made a new tip sheet avaiiable for digital teievision DTV retailers to repmduoe and distribute to consumers on the safes floor The fife may be downiaaded onfine at www dtv gov W...

Страница 61: ...1 Primary mode Using 3 Came 0 satei te Bax Rernute Your V1210 remote uses codes 603 047 050 06 3295131 and 339 to work your HDTV To use a cabie 0 sateliite remote 10 comrot your fiDTV refer to yourca...

Страница 62: ...urchase VlZlO Technical Support is available from 6 00AM to 9 00PM Pacific Time Monday through Friday and t0 0OAM to 2 00PM Pacific Time Saturday and Sunday Please note that holiday hours may vary For...

Страница 63: ...R RIEIIIORY FEATURE T0 ERASE ALL PERSONAL SETTINGS BEFORE RETURNING THE PRODUCT VIZIO s return poficy aflows for products purchased directly from Vlziofo be returned by the original purchaser daring t...

Страница 64: ...and conditions of the ViZiO Limited Product Warranty and that a repair is not economicatiy possible based on certain manufacturing defects in materials and or workmansirip and or at i iZiO s option a...

Страница 65: ...the vrzio lrrternet Applications Soltware License Agreement Wt Software License Agreement the terms of which are available in your Product Guide art of which are incorporated herein by this reference...

Страница 66: ...ation as long as it is in a form that does not personally identify you to improve our products or to provide services or technologies to you i 5 VIA Services and other Services The VlZlO software affo...

Страница 67: ...refund of the purchase price otthe produa cnntaintngthe VIZIO Software or reptacernent ofthe VIZIO Software which is returned to VIZIQ nr aI IZIO authnrized representative with 3 copy of the receipt T...

Страница 68: ...hout Iimitation the VIZIO Soaware may not be exported or re exponed 3 Into any U S embargoed cnunIrIes or I3 to anyone on the U3 Treasury Depanmenfs fist of Spa cIaIIy Designated NationaIs as the Us D...

Страница 69: ...ef1Pane3 _ Dayiight Savings Daylight Savings sexing Device Setup Device Setup DTV frarxsfiion DVD Piaye Cor ne I ng 26 W1 Game Box DVD Piayev Sateime Box Equa izer Elhernetxvairedj Savings Ethernet Co...

Страница 70: ...instructions Safety Strap Sateliite Bax skgfixafi aiaiafifia 33888aggggas S aepT mer C ormect ng Search for cbannais Shazpness Sidebar Skip Channei Soitwaxe Updates Stre ch S Video Techniw Support Ti...


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