Light sensor status output (Purple & Blue wires)
This mode means that camera Day/Night mode switching is coordinated with and is triggered by the
illuminator's light sensor via the DO(Digital output) connection (connected to the camera's DI pins).
Users can configure the camera configuration to control the corresponding illuminator On/Off status.
DO+: Purple= Open drain output, 45V Max. (current must be under 100mA)
DO-: Bule = GND
Light sensor status output
1. Open = Day
2. Short = Night (lower than 300 lux for IR to turn ON)
Stand-alone illuminator mode
This mode means that the illuminator's On/Off control is triggered by its light sensor, in the case, the
default wiring is connecting the green wire with purple wire.
Some cameras have related settings that need the inter-connection with the illuminator. For example,
some cameras come with an IR cut filter that need to be turned off when entering night mode; or,
automatically turn on the adjacent illuminator when entering night mode.