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Always operate the kettle on a flat, level surface.
Boiling water will scald. Do not leave a boiling or hot kettle near or where children may
touch it.
Do not leave the power cord near the edge of a bench top where children may touch
or pull it.
Boiling water may be ejected, if overfilled.
Do not remove lid while water is boiling.
Do not operate the kettle without water.
Always turn the power off and unplug the cord while the kettle is NOT in use.
Your kettle must only be used with the power base supplied.
Do not move kettle while switched on.
Vitek are very safety conscious when designing and manufacturing consumer
products, but it is essential that the product user also exercise care when using
an electrical appliance. Listed below are precautions which are essential for the
safe use of an electrical appliance:
Read carefully and save all the instructions provided with an appliance.
Always turn the power off at the power outlet before you insert or remove a plug.
Remove by grasping the plug - do not pull on the cord.
Turn the power off and remove the plug when the appliance is not in use and
Do not use your appliance with an extension cord unless this cord has been checked
and tested by a qualified technician or service person.
Always use your appliance from a power outlet of the voltage (A.C. only) marked on
the appliance.
Close supervision is necessary when your appliance is being used near children or
infirm persons.
Never leave an appliance unattended while in use.
Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance.
Do not use an appliance for any purpose other than its intended use.
Do not place an appliance on or near a hot gas flame, electric element or on a heated
oven. Do not place on top of any other appliance.
Do not let the power cord of an appliance hang over the edge of a table or bench top
or touch any hot surface.
For safety reasons and to avoid maintenance by unskilled persons, some appliances
are 'sealed' using tamperproof screws. Such appliances should always be returned to
the nearest
Appointed Service Centre for adjustment or repair if required.
Do not operate any electrical appliance with a damaged cord or after the appliance
has been dropped or damaged in any manner. If damage is suspected, return the
appliance to the nearest Appointed Service Centre for examination, repair or adjust-
Do not immerse the appliance in water or any other liquid unless recommended.
If you have any concerns regarding the performance and use of your appliance, please
visit or contact the Consumer Service Line. Ensure the above safety precautions are
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