Template Operators Manual
Web Browser Remote Control
Issue No: 3
Page: 26
Copyright © 2018 IMT Ltd, trading as Vislink
Figure 5-8
Display Tab
The Operate > Display page shows the current system status and basic satellite direction
The status text shows the current system status, current activity, problems or the satellite
name once the system has a valid location.
The Antenna Az and El are the current magnetic heading and ground based elevation of the
antenna. The Satellite Az, El and Pol are the ground-based settings required to align to the
chosen satellite. The Azimuth is the magnetic heading required.
The Az and El error is the current difference between the satellites calculated and antenna
current direction heading.
The Rx signal displays the current signal strength value, in the range 0 to 100. The Rx lock
displays the current lock status for the beacon signal.
If the DVB confirmation is enabled in the satellite database for the chosen satellite, the
confirmation state is shown.