9 Services
The following parameters only have an eect when TCP raw is selected for communication. They
are fairly common and do not need much explanation.
Figure 61: Conguration TCP raw
The Baudrate is selectable from a drop-down list of common values. At the bottom the entry
of custom let you type the desired rate into the box (e.g. 31250).
The DataBits are possible as 8 or 7.
The Parity is available with the choice of None, Even and Odd.
The StopBit may have a duration of 1 or 2 data bits.
Finally the FlowType is usable as None (no control), XON/XOFF (software ow control) and
RTS/CTS (hardware handshake).
Activate the new conguration using the
Juli 2016
VPNRouter Software Manual