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HB opp
Two active gages with
equal strains of the
same sign -- used on
opposite sides of col-
umn with low thermal
gradient (bending can-
cellation, for instance.)
HB shear
Two active gages with
equal and opposite
strains aligned with the
maximum and mini-
mum principal strains
to measure shear strain.
HB adj
ν ε
Two active gages in
uniaxial stress field--
one aligned with
maximum principal
strain, the other with
transverse "Poisson"
strain. Default Pois-
son’s Ratio = 0.3.
FB 4 active
Four active gages with
pairs subjected to equal
and opposite strains
(beam in bending or
shaft in torsion).
FB shear
Four active gages with
pairs subjected to equal
and opposite strains
(beam in bending or
shaft in torsion).