© Virtual Access 2016
GW6600 Series and GW6600V Series User Manual
Issue: 1.5
Page 49 of 384
config 'timeserver' 'ntp'
option interval_hours 'auto'
list server "0.VA_router.pool.ntp.org"
list server ’’
System diagnostics
System events
Events in the system have a class, sub class and severity. All events are written to the
system log.
To view the system log, use:
root@VA_router:~# logread
Shows the log.
root@VA_router:~# logread |tail
Shows end of the log.
root@VA_router:~# logread | more
Shows the log page by page.
root@VA_router:~# logread –f
Shows the log on an ongoing basis. To stop this option, press ctrl-c.
root@VA_router:~# logread –f &
Shows the log on an ongoing basis while in the background. This allows you to run other
commands while still tracing the event logs. To stop this option, type fg to view the
current jobs, then press ctrl-c to kill those jobs.
System events in flash
Since logread is only small in size it can be beneficial to write system events to flash. To
do this you need to modify the system config under the system package. Set the options
‘log_file’, ‘log_size’ and ‘log_type’ as below:
root@VA_router:~# uci export system
package system