© Virtual Access 2016
GW6600 Series and GW6600V Series User Manual
Issue: 1.5
Page 291 of 384
Block access to the internet for specific IP on certain times
The following rule blocks all connection attempts to the internet from on
weekdays between 21:00pm and 09:00am.
config rule
option src lan
option dest wan
option src_ip
option extra '-m time --weekdays Mon,Tue,Wed,Thu,Fri --
timestart 21:00 --timestop 09:00'
option target REJECT
Restricted forwarding rule
The example below creates a forward rule rejecting traffic from LAN to WAN on the ports
config rule
option src lan
option dest wan
option dest_port 1000-1100
option proto tcpudp
option target REJECT
Denial of service protection rule
The example below shows a sample configuration of SSH DoS attack where if more than
two SSH connections are attempted within 120 seconds, every further connection will be
dropped. You can configure this for any port number.
config rule 'sshattack'
option src 'lan'
option dest_port '22'
option proto 'tcp'
option recent '2 120'
option target 'DROP'
IP spoofing prevention mechnism
Configure IP spoofing protection on a per interface basis in the /etc/config/network
configuration file. The example below shows the ipv4_rp_filter option enabled on the
Vlan12 interface in the network file. When reverse path filtering mechanism is enabled,
the router will check whether a receiving packet source address is routable.