Insert the ‘TP’ end of the brace into the slot on the tail plane and the other end into the slot on the fuselage.
The brace should sweep backwards from the fuselage mount to the tail plane. Repeat the process on the
opposite side. You may need to lightly sand one end of the braces to ensure a good fit when the tail plane is
level and at right angles to the fin. Don’t do this until both braces have been trial fitted and the tail plane
alignment has been checked. When the parts have been checked for alignment, wick CA into the joints
between the braces and fuselage and tail plane followed by the joint between the fin and tail plane.
Carefully cut the covering away from the control horn slot on the right-hand side of the rudder.
Cut one of the Mylar hinges in half length-ways creating two hinges each 10mm wide x 25mm long.
Assemble the rudder to the fin. Insert two Mylar hinges into the slots cut previously (cut the covering if
required) in the TE of the fin and make sure half the length of the Mylar hinge is in the slot. Test fit the rudder
inserting the Mylar hinges into the slots and check that the rudder is aligned with the fin and about 0.5mm from
the fin. Remove the rudder, and after making sure that the hinges are correctly located wick CA into the join
between the Mylar hinge and the fin. Allow to set. Then re-assemble the rudder into position and check its
alignment etc. before wicking CA into the join around the hinges. Gently flex the rudder for a few minutes while
the glue sets to prevent the fin and rudder sticking together. Check that the fin and rudder is securely attached
to both hinges.
Remove two of the control horns from Sheet 10. If using control rod connectors, the holes on the control
horns need to be drilled out to 2mm. Mount the connectors onto horns using the middle hole. Slacken the
screws on the control rod connectors on the elevator and rudder servos so that the rods can be adjusted.
Insert the rudder rod into the connector on the control horn and insert the horn into the slot on the rudder and
stick with CA.
Repeat the process for the elevator control horn.
If the motor has been installed and connected, make sure the propeller has been removed. Switch on the
transmitter and then connect the battery to the receiver. Check that the elevator and rudder trim switches are
centred i.e. at ‘zero’ - no trim applied. With the rudder and fin aligned tighten the control rod connector, it is
suggested that thread lock is used to secure the screw.
Repeat the process for setting up the elevators. Disconnect the battery and switch off the transmitter.
If the motor has not already been installed do so now and then check its operation and that it turns in the
correct direction i.e. anti-clockwise when viewed from the front.
Aileron assembly. Cut three of the Mylar hinges in half length-ways creating six hinges each 10mm wide x
25mm long.
Insert the Mylar hinges into the slots on the rear wing spars, (3 each side) leaving approximately 12mm
exposed. Ensure that they are square with the spar before wicking CA into joint between the hinges and the
Cut away the covering from the control horn slots on the undersides of the ailerons.
Assemble the ailerons by inserting the Mylar hinges into the slots on the aileron spar. Adjust them so that
there is approximately 0.5mm between the wing and aileron spar and that the aileron can be moved up and
down without interference. When happy, wick CA into the joints between the hinges and the aileron spar.
Gently flex the aileron up and down to check the alignment etc. and to prevent the aileron sticking to the wing.
Repeat the process to assemble the other aileron. Check that both ailerons are fully secure.
Connect the servo ‘Y’ lead to the receiver, switch on the transmitter and connect the flight battery. Check
that the aileron trim switch is centred i.e. at ‘zero’ - no trim applied. Attach the servo control arms and control
rod connectors to the servos so that the arms point towards the wing tips and then secure the arms with the
correct screws.
Balsa Basics Messerschmitt Bf 109 Vintage Model Company