1 7 6 2 1 S o u t h S u s a n a R o a d , R a n c h o D o m i n g u e z , C a l i f o r n i a 9 0 2 2 1
i n f o @ v i n o t e m p . c o m
Defrosting Your Ice Maker
Ice maker should be defrosted approximately every 4-6 weeks or when frost on
the ice maker is excessive (¼” thick or thicker). To defrost, turn the unit off,
remove ice cubes, and keep door open at least two inches. You may want to put a
towel down to soak up any water drainage caused by defrosting the unit.
Power Failure
Most power failures are corrected within a few hours and should not affect the
temperature of your ice maker if you minimize the number of times the door is
opened. If the power is going to be off for a longer period of time, you need to
take the proper steps to disconnect your appliance.
Vacation Time/Storage
Shut off the water supply at the main water valve.
Disconnect the water supply line from valve.
Allow unit to run for an hour or two until all remaining ice cubes have been
Disconnect unit from main power source.
Dry out excess water from ice maker interior.
Leave the door open at least two inches.
Moving Your Ice Maker
Remove any remaining ice.
Securely tape down all loose items remaining inside your ice maker.
Tape the door shut.
Be sure the ice maker stays secure in an upright position during
transportation. Also, protect outside of ice maker with a blanket or similar
item as needed.
Energy Saving Tips
Locate your ice maker in the coolest area of the room, away from heat-
producing appliances or heating ducts and out of direct sunlight.
Minimize the length and frequency of opening the ice maker door.