POSSIBILITY OF EXTERNAL REPETITION OF CALL RINGTONES (via external relay if fitted): or with the setting (entering
Parameter Programming mode using keys R+4) "TIME_F2"=0 to enable ringtone repetition on terminal F2. In practice in
this mode, function F2 is no longer enabled (i.e. the command is no longer received or conveyed) and terminal P2 of the
control unit connector becomes available for activation of an additionalo ringtone.
Repetition of this ringtone can be enabled (if required) on calls from interphones and/or from F1 and from an external
panel. On each call, the line of terminal F2 is activated (for approx. 2 seconds), which can be connected to an acoustic
repeater (the terminal is closed to earth)..
TRANSIT OF CALLS FROM EXTERNAL ENTRANCE PANEL:- The parameter "Ab.Transi.Esterno" has been inserted at the
end of the programming parameters. If set to 1, external incoming calls (on terminal 6 connected to the external entrance
panel) always transit "upline" (to interphone/monitor riser) even when the switchboard is set to Internal mode (in which
case the operator never needs to intervene on external calls to the interphone cable riser). If set to 0, this function is disa-
bled (i.e. direct transit is only active when the switchboard is set to External mode).
MANUAL ACTIVATION OF AUDIO LINE TO CABLE RISER: The audio to the cable riser is activated manually by pressing
the conference key for at least 3 sec. This is useful to enable the voice communication with an interphone during the pro-
gramming phase (similar to 945A) to enable voice communication with the technician at the interphone.
IMPROVEMENTS: If an interphone does not answer, when the handset is replaced the cable riser is disengaged virtually
immediately (after 3 sec) eliminating the need to wait for the "answer standby" timeout to elapse (this was usually 30-45
seconds, during which the cable riser remained engaged).
VIEW function added to the new Digibus commands of : Enter programming ("Ent.Prog.N"). Programming complete
("Prog.Int.N ") of the interphones and the new door burglar alarm command (" ! ALARMS.N ") for type 6158.
The new digibus interphones confirm entry to programming mode and memorisation of a new number by sending specific
commands on the digital signal, which can now be verified via the switchboard or numerical entrance panel if fitted (set to
Functions F1 and F2: When the switchboard receives a command related to these functions (from an interphone) it always
activates the specific terminal (F1 or F2).
At the same time, the command is re-sent "downline", i.e. to the serial line of the external DIGITAL signals connected to
terminal 6 (NB: Repetition may, if necessary, be suppressed; in this case contact ELVOX Spa for assistance). When these
functions are activated by means of the "'KEY" button, the functions are always activated in local mode (on the switch-
board terminal) and re-sent to the device downline (connected terminal 6 of the digital signal).
When terminal F2 is set with the time =0 it performs exclusively the function of Call Repetition, but the option remains for
it to be activated (for approx. 2. seconds) by means of the "KEY" button (with no command transmission).
DOOR LOCK RELEASE function: When the switchboard receives a door lock release command, it always activates its
specific terminal "S" connected to the local lock. The command is only resent on the external serial line if communication
with an external entrance panel is in progress (and therefore does not occur if the switchboard communicates with an
interphone). In the same way, the "KEY" button always actiavtes the local lock, and the command is sent "down" only
when there is communication in progress with an external entrance panel. Obviously if the user wishes to always activate
the release of a lock connected to an external entrance panel (also when not connected), terminal 5 of the switchboard
must be connected in parallel to terminal 5 of the panel.
If the switchboard is in communication when a secondary entrance panel "upline" (and therefore "switched audio" mode)
the lock can be opened on this panel (if the parameter "lock enable" on this panel is set to =2 or 3).
Functions F6, F7, F8: When the switchboard receives these commands from the cable riser upline, it always repeats them
towards the external digital signal. In the same way, if these functions are activated via the "KEY" button, the command is
sent to the external serial line (completed with the digibus number of the switchboard). These functions are useful to ena-
ble activation of external devices via type l70/D or 170/F (currently prototypes only).