Self-start =
The entrance panel activates with the command:
Self-start function disabled
“Enab. Lock” =
Open with:
Conversation in progress (1)
Conversation in progress (1);
transit (2)
Conversation in progress (1)
Switched audio (3)
Modes 1 and 2 are active simultaneously
Conversation in progress (1)
Transit (2)
Interphone call (4)
Modes 4 and 2 are active simultaneously
(1) The entrance panel has a conversation in progress with the interphone
which sends the lock opening command;
(2) the entrance panel is conveying a call from the main entrance panel or
from the switchboard to an interphone in its cable riser;
(3) the entrance panel is in conversation with a main switchboard. The lock
opening command reaches the switchboard;
(4) the interphone is not in conversation and sends the switchboard call
Enable video camera “Enab. Camera” (12)
Must be programmed with entrance panels type 8845/..., 8845/C...,
8845/D.., 8845/CD... Indicates that the entrance panel is a video panel
This enables correct power management of system monitors.
Enable entrance panel tone “Enab. Panel Tone” (13)
The entrance panel emits a beep in response to certain events, such as
pressing a button. This parameter can be used to disable the beeps.
Enable self-start “Enab. Self-Start” (14)
The entrance panel can self-start, e.g. activate automatically without
anyone making a call, if it receives a command from an interphone. This
parameter enables and configures the entrance panel self-start mode, as
shown in the following table:
Combinations of multiple commands are obtained by adding together the
values indicated for the individual command, e.g.:
Self-start = 7 (4 + 2 + 1) The entrance panel activates with the F3, F4 and
F5 commands ;
Self-start = 96 (64 + 32) The entrance panel activates with the F6 and F7
Self-start = 129 (128 + 1) The entrance panel activates with the F3 and F8
Enable Switchboard Call “Enab.Switchboard Call” (15), Switchboard
call button “Switchbd button” (16)
Parameter 15 must be set if the entrance panel is a secondary panel in a
building-complex system with switchboard. In this case, when the push-but-
ton selected with the switchboard call button parameter (16) is pressed,
the entrance panel sends the call with its ID code (parameter 3) to the
switchboard. For example if Para. 3 = 99000001, Para. 15 = 1 and Para. 16
= 2, when the push-button with hardware code = 2 is pressed, the entrance
panel sends the call to the switchboard with code 99000001.
Audio Active (17)
If this parameter is equal to 1, the entrance panel activates when the audio
line is charged and the audio voltage is less than 7V.
Conversation Duration “Conv. Duration” (18)
This is the maximum duration of the conversation in seconds. The con-
versation time begins from the moment that the handset is lifted after the
interphone has received the call. Once this time has elapsed, the entrance
panel terminates the call and returns to free status.
Ringtone duration “Tone Duration” (19)
This parameter represents the time, in seconds, for which the entrance
panel activates the CH terminal. If the entrance panel CH terminal is con-
nected to the CH terminal present on power supply units type 6941 and
6948, the call generator activates which sends the ringtone to the inter-
phone. If the system has stairway entrance panels (building complex) or
a switchboard, the main entrance panel call signal activation time must be
1 second longer than the corresponding time set on the stairway entrance
panels or on the switchboard. In other cases the parameter can be modified
at the discretion of the installer. In interphones in which the ringtone is ge-
nerated by the interphone itself, such as type 6600, the duration of the tone
is independent of the parameter set on the entrance panel.
Answer time (20)
This is the maximum time, expressed in seconds, within which the receiving
internal user’s handset must be raised from the moment that the entrance
panel has sent the call. If the answer does not arrive within the programmed
time, the entrance panel terminates the call and returns to free status.
Function 1 activation time “Funct.1 Time” (21)
This is the time, expressed in seconds, for which the entrance panel acti-
vates the F1 terminal. If the entrance panel F1 terminal is connected to the
F1 terminal on power supply units type 6941 and 6948, a relay is activated
which closes the contact between terminals R1 and 4. If the parameter is
equal to 0, the activation time is fixed by the entrance panel to 0.5 sec.
Check that the set times are compatible with the devices connected to the
corresponding outputs of the power supply.
F2 function activation time “Funct. 2 Time” (22)
This is the time, expressed in seconds, for which the entrance panel acti-
vates the F2 terminal. If the entrance panel F2 terminal is connected to the
F2 terminal present on power supply units type 6941 and 6948, a relay is
activated which closes the contact between terminals R2 and 4. If the para-
meter is equal to 0, the activation time is fixed by the entrance panel to 0.5
sec. Check that the set times are compatible with the devices connected to
the corresponding outputs of the power supply.
Lock activation time “Lock Time” (23)
This is the time, in seconds, for which the entrance panel activates the SR
terminal. If the entrance panel SR terminal is connected to the SR terminal
present on power supply units type 6941, 6942 and 6948, the lock con-
nected to terminals 15 and S1 is activated. If the parameter is equal to 0, the
activation time is fixed by the entrance panel to 0.5 sec.
Check that the set
times are compatible with the devices connected to the corresponding
outputs of the power supply.
Enable UP window “Enab. UP Window” (24)
If set to 1 (default value) this enables the “initial user” – “final user” filter for
“down” commands, e.g. commands conveyed from the external interphone
cable riser to the main entrance panel or to the switchboard. In this case,
only commands with sender IDs that are inside the window range are con-
veyed by the entrance panel. If however the parameter is equal to 0 the
filter is deactivated, therefore the entrance panel conveys all commands,
including those with sender IDs that are outside the window range. It may
be necessary to use this function in the case of building-complex systems in
which there are multiple entrance panels connected in parallel both on the
interphone cable riser side, and therefore with terminal 1, and on the main
entrance panel side, therefore with terminal 6.
Backlight minimum brightness “LED Min Lux (%)” (25)
This is the luminous intensity value, expressed as a percentage, of the
entrance panel backlight LEDs when the panel is in standby. The entrance
panel reaches the minimum brightness value after approximately 10 se-
conds of inactivity since the last completed action.
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