![Viking SIN VK500 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 3](http://html.mh-extra.com/html/viking/sin-vk500/sin-vk500_technical-data_1024719003.webp)
Thread Size: 3/4" (20 mm) NPT
De flec tor Di am e ter: 1-3/4" (44,45 mm)
Over all Length: 2-7/8" (73 mm)
Frame: Brass Cast ing UNS-C84400
Seat: Stain less Steel UNS-S31603
Belleville Spring Sealing As sem bly:
Nickel Alloy, coated on both sides
with Tef lon Tape
Screw: Stain less Steel UNS-S31603
De flec tor: Bronze UNS-C51000
Trig ger and Sup port: Stain less Steel
Fus ible El e ment Assembly: Be ryl lium
Nickel, coated with black acrylic
Ejec tor Spring (Sprin kler Base Part No.
11350 only): 17-7 Stain less Steel
Sprin kler Wrench: Part No. 10285W/B
Size: Fits 3/4" NPT ESFR Pen dent
Sprin klers
Avail able since 2000.
Sprin kler Cab i net: Part No. 01725A
Ca pac ity: twelve (12) sprin klers
Length: 10-3/16" (259 mm)
Height: 8-9/16" (217 mm)
Depth: 2-9/16" (65 mm)
Vi king prod ucts are avail able through a
net work of do mes tic, Ca na dian, and
international dis trib u tors. See the Vi king
Corp. Web site for your clos est dis trib u -
tor or con tact The Vi king Cor po ra tion.
Vi king tech ni cal data may be found on
The Vi king Cor po ra tion’s Web site at
The Web site may in clude a more re cent
edi tion of this tech ni cal data page.
For de tails of war ranty, re fer to Vi king’s
cur rent list price sched ule or con tact The
Vi king Cor po ra tion di rectly.
Vi king sprin klers are man u -
fac tured and tested to meet rigid re -
quire ments of the ap prov ing agency.
The sprin klers are de signed to be in -
stalled in ac cor dance with rec og nized
in stal la tion stan dards. De vi a tion from
the stan dards or any al ter ation to the
sprin kler af ter it leaves the fac tory in -
clud ing, but not lim ited to: paint ing, plat -
ing, coat ing, or mod i fi ca tion, may ren der
the sprin kler in op er a tive and will au to -
mat i cally nul lify the ap proval and any
guar an tee made by The Vi king Cor po ra -
A. Vi king ESFR Pen dent SIN VK500
Sprin klers are to be in stalled in ac cor -
dance with ap pli ca ble FM Global
Loss Pre ven tion Data Sheets, the lat -
est stan dards of Verband der
Sachversicherer, LPCB, and the Na -
tional Fire Pro tec tion As so ci a tion, the
Au thor ities Hav ing Ju ris dic tion, and
also with the pro vi sions of gov ern -
men tal codes, or di nances, and stan -
dards when ever ap pli ca ble.
B. Sprin klers must be han dled with care.
They must be stored in a cool, dry
place in their orig i nal ship ping con -
tainer. Never in stall sprin klers that
have been dropped or dam aged in
any way. (Such sprin klers should be
de stroyed im me di ately.) Wet-pipe
sys tems must be pro vided with ad e -
quate heat.
C. The sprin klers must be in stalled af ter
the pip ing is in place to pre vent me -
chan i cal dam age. Be fore in stall ing,
be sure to have the ap pro pri ate sprin -
kler model and style, with the cor rect
or i fice size, tem per a ture rat ing, and
re sponse char ac ter is tics.
D. With the sprinkler con tained in the
plas tic pro tec tive cap, ap ply a small
amount of pipe-joint com pound or
tape to the male threads only, while
tak ing care not to al low a build-up of
com pound in the sprin kler or i fice.
With the sprin kler con tained in the
plas tic pro tec tive cap, in stall the
sprin kler onto the pip ing by ap ply -
ing the spe cial sprin kler wrench
(shown in Fig ure 1) to the sprinkler
wrench flats only, while tak ing
care not to dam age the sprin kler
op er at ing parts. DO NOT use any
other type of wrench, as this could
dam age the unit. DO NOT use the
sprin kler de flec tor or fus ible
element to start or thread the
sprin kler into a fit ting. DO NOT ex -
ceed 50 ft. lbs. of torque (hand
tight, plus ap prox i mately two full
turns with the wrench) to in stall
these sprin klers. Higher lev els of
torque may dis tort the sprin kler in -
let with con se quent leak age or im -
pair ment of the sprin kler.
F. Use only the spe cial sprin kler wrench
and im me di ately re place any dam -
aged units.
G. Af ter in stal la tion, the en tire sprin kler
sys tem must be tested. The test must
be con ducted to com ply with the In -
stal la tion Stan dards.
Make sure the sprin kler has been
prop erly tight ened. If a thread leak
oc curs, nor mally the unit must be re -
moved, new pipe-joint com pound or
tape ap plied, and then re in stalled.
This is due to the fact that when the
joint seal is dam aged, the seal ing
com pound or tape is washed out of
the joint.
H. Af ter in stal la tion and test ing and
re pair ing of all leaks, re move the
plas tic pro tec tive cap from the
sprin kler. THE CAP MUST BE RE -
I. System de sign must be based on
ESFR de sign guide lines de scribed in
ap pli ca ble FM Global Loss Pre ven -
tion Data Sheets, the lat est stan dards
of Verband der Sachver- sicherer,
LPCB, the Na tional Fire Pro tec tion
As so ci a tion, and the Au thor ities Hav -
ing Ju ris dic tion. All re quire ments of
rec og nized sprin kler sys tem de sign
stan dards ap ply to sys tems uti liz ing
Vi king ESFR Pen dent Sprin klers.
NOTE: Vi king rec om mends in stall -
ing one style of sprin klers (ei ther
pen dent or up right) through out
ESFR sys tems. How ever, pro vided
the fus ible el e ments are in stalled
within the dis tance be low the ceil -
ing al lowed by the in stal la tion
stan dards, and when ac cept able
to the AHJ, Vi king con siders the
prac tice of mix ing up right and
pen dent ESFR sprin klers to be ac -
cept able.
The owner is re spon si ble for
main tain ing the fire pro tec tion sys tem and
de vices in proper op er at ing con di tion. For
min i mum main te nance and in spec tion re -
quire ments, re fer to the NFPA stan dard
that de scribes care and main te nance of
sprin kler sys tems. In ad di tion, the Au thor -
ities Hav ing Ju ris dic tion may have ad di -
tional main te nance, test ing, and in spec tion
re quire ments that must be fol lowed.
A. The sprin klers must be in spected on a
reg u lar ba sis for cor ro sion, me chan i -
cal dam age, ob struc tions, paint, etc.
The fre quency of in spec tions may
vary due to cor ro sive at mo sphere,
wa ter sup plies, and ac tiv ity around
the de vice.
B. Sprin klers that have been painted or
me chan i cally dam aged must be re -
placed im me di ately. Sprin klers show -
ing signs of cor ro sion shall be tested
and/or re placed im me di ately as re -
quired. In stal la tion stan dards re quire
Sprin kler 120 c
SIN VK500 (K = 14.0)
De cem ber 10, 2004