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May 19, 2006

Sprinkler QR2

Replaces page QR1-2, dated January 16, 2006 (updated for concealed sprinklers). 

Refer to the

appropriate sprinkler technical data page for detailed information on specific sprinkler models.

Form No. F_011500

sprinkler model used. Refer to the appro-
priate sprinkler technical data page. 

D. After installation, the entire sprinkler 

system must be tested. The test must 
be conducted to comply with the in-
stallation standards.

high pressure

 sprinklers may 

be hydrostatically tested at a maxi-
mum of 300 psi (2 069 kPa) for limit-
ed periods of time (two hours), for the 
purpose of acceptance by the AHJ. 
Make sure the sprinkler is properly 
tightened. If a thread leak occurs, nor-
mally the sprinkler must be removed, 
new pipe-joint compound or tape ap-
plied, and then reinstalled. This is due 
to the fact that when the joint seal is 
damaged, the sealing compound or 
tape is washed out of the joint.
Air testing [do not exceed 40 psi (276 
kPa)] the sprinkler piping prior to 
testing with water may be considered 
in areas where leakage during test-
ing must be prevented. Refer to the 
Installation Standards and the AHJ. 


Remove plastic protective sprin-

kler caps or bulb shields AFTER 
the wall or ceiling finish work is 
completed where the sprinkler is 
installed and there no longer is a 
potential for mechanical damage to 
the sprinkler operating elements.

To remove the bulb shields, simply 
pull the ends of the shields apart 
where they are snapped together. To 
remove caps from frame style sprin-
klers, turn the caps slightly and pull 
them off the sprinklers. 



Retain a protective cap 

or shield in the spare sprinkler cabinet.


For quick response flush style 


 the escutcheon ring can 

now be installed onto the sprinkler 
body. Align the escutcheon ring with 
the sprinkler body and thread or 
push it on (depends on sprinkler 
model) until the outer flange touches 
the surface of the ceiling or wall in 
which the sprinkler is installed. Note 
the maximum adjustment is 1/4” (6,35 
mm) for quick response flush pendent 
sprinklers and ½” (12,7 mm) for quick 
response flush HSW sprinklers. DO 
NOT MODIFY THE UNIT. If necessary, 
re-cut the sprinkler nipple as required.


For QR concealed sprinklers:

the cover assembly can now be at-
Remove the cover from the protec-
tive box, taking care not to damage 

When replacing existing sprinklers, the 
system must be removed from service. 
Refer to the appropriate system descrip-
tion and/or valve instructions. Prior to 
removing the system from service, notify 
all AHJs. Consideration should be given 
to employment of a fire patrol in the af-
fected area.
A. Remove the system from service, 

drain all water, and relieve all pres-
sure on the piping.

B. For frame-style sprinklers, use the spe-

cial sprinkler wrench to remove the old 
sprinkler by turning it counterclock-
wise to unthread it from the piping.

For quick response flush and con-
cealed style sprinklers:


the escutcheon ring or cover plate 
assembly before unthreading the 
sprinkler body from the piping. 
Escutcheon rings and cover plates 
can be removed either by gen-
tly unthreading them or pulling 
them off the sprinkler body (de-
pends on the sprinkler model used).
After the escutcheon ring or cover 
plate assembly has been removed 
from the sprinkler body, place a plastic 
shell (from the spare sprinkler cabinet) 
over the sprinkler to be removed and 
then fit the sprinkler wrench over the 
shell. Then use the wrench to unthread 
the sprinkler from the piping. 


concealed sprinklers VK302, VK352, 
VK462,  VK463, and VK464 are re-
moved without the plastic cap.

C. Install the new unit by follow-

ing the instructions in section 6. 
INSTALLATION. Care must be taken 
to ensure that the replacement sprin-
kler is the proper model and style, with 
the correct orifice size, temperature 
rating, and response characteristics. 
A fully stocked spare sprinkler cabinet 
should be provided for this purpose.

For flush or concealed sprinklers: 

stock of spare ceiling rings or cover 
plates should also be available in the 
spare sprinkler cabinet.

D. Place the system back in service and 

secure all valves. Check for and re-
pair all leaks. Sprinkler systems that 
have been subjected to a fire must 
be returned to service as soon as 
possible. The entire system must be 
inspected for damage, and repaired 
or replaced as necessary. Sprinklers 
that have been exposed to corrosive 
products of combustion or high ambi-
ent temperatures, but have not oper-
ated, should be replaced. Refer to 
the Authority Having Jurisdiction for 
minimum replacement requirements.

the cover plate assembly.
Gently place the base of the cover 
plate assembly over the sprinkler pro-
truding through the opening in the 
ceiling or wall.
Push the cover plate assembly onto 
the sprinkler until the unfinished brass 
flange of the cover plate base (or the 
cover adapter, if used) touches the 
surface of the ceiling or wall.
The maximum adjustment avail-
able for 

quick response concealed 


 is ½” (12,7 mm). DO NOT 

MODIFY THE UNIT. If necessary, re-
cut the sprinkler nipple.

G. If it is necessary to remove the entire 

sprinkler unit, the system must be 
taken out of service. See section 7. 
MAINTENANCE and follow all warn-
ings and instructions.



 The owner is responsible for 

maintaining the fire-protection system 
and devices in proper operating condi-
tion. For minimum maintenance and 
inspection requirements, refer to the ap-
propriate NFPA standard that describes 
care and maintenance of sprinkler sys-
tems. In addition, the AHJ may have ad-
ditional maintenance, testing, and inspec-
tion requirements that must be followed.
Sprinklers must be inspected on a regu-
lar basis for corrosion, mechanical dam-
age, obstructions, paint, etc. The fre-
quency of inspections may vary due to 
corrosive atmospheres, water supplies, 
and activity around the device.
Sprinklers or cover plate assemblies 
that have been painted or mechanically 
damaged must be replaced immediately. 
Sprinklers showing signs of corrosion 
shall be tested and/or replaced immedi-
ately as required. Installation standards 
require sprinklers to be tested and, if 
necessary, replaced after a specified 
term of service. Refer to the installa-
tion standards (e.g., NFPA 25) and the 
AHJ for the specified period of time 
after which testing and/or replacement 
is required. Sprinklers or cover plate 
assemblies that have operated cannot 
be reassembled or re-used, but must 
be replaced. When replacing sprinklers, 
use only new sprinklers and cover plate 
The sprinkler discharge pattern is criti-
cal for proper fire protection. Therefore, 
nothing should be hung from, attached 
to, or otherwise obstruct the discharge 
pattern. All obstructions must be immedi-
ately removed or, if necessary, additional 
sprinklers installed.

