Viking HQR-2 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 4

chan i cal dam age. Vi king In sti tu tional 

Style Quick Re sponse Flush Hor i -

zon tal Side wall Sprin klers must be

in stalled be low smooth, flat, hor i zon -

tal ceil ings. The sprin klers must be

in stalled with the de flec tors lo cated

4" to 12" (102 mm to 304 mm) be low

the ceil ing, and flush with the wall in

which they are in stalled.

    Al ways in stall hor i zon tal side wall

sprin klers with the top of the de flec tor 

ori ented par al lel with the ceil ing. The

wrench ear on the top of the Viking

In sti tu tional Style Quick Re sponse

Flush Hor i zon tal Side wall Sprin kler

is marked with the word “top”. 

Be fore in stall ing, be sure to have the

ap pro pri ate sprin kler model and

style, with the cor rect or i fice size,

tem per a ture rat ing, and re sponse

char ac ter is tics. In stall the sprin klers

ac cord ing to the fol low ing se quence:

1.  In stall all pip ing and cut the sprin -

kler nip ple so that the ½" (15 mm)

NPT out let of the re duc ing cou -

pling is at the de sired lo ca tion and

cen tered in a 2-1/4" (57,22 mm)

di am e ter open ing in the wall (due

to the lockring).

Note: If the re tain ing flange as -

sem bly is to be used, slide the

flange over the sprin kler nip ple

prior to thread ing the nip ple into

the tee, as shown in Fig ure 3A.

2. The in ter nal di am e ter of the spe cial 

Flush/Con cealed Sprin kler Wrench 

is de signed for use with the sprin -

kler con tained in the pro tec tive

plas tic shell. With the sprin kler in

the shell, ap ply a small amount of

pipe-joint com pound or tape to the 

ex ter nal threads of the sprin kler

only, tak ing care not to al low  a

build-up of com pound in the sprin -

kler in let.

3.  Re fer to Fig ure 3B and use only

the spe cial Flush/Con cealed

Sprin kler Wrench, which is de -

signed for in stall ing Vi king In sti tu -

tional Style Quick Re sponse

Flush Hor i zon tal Side wall Sprin -

klers. With the sprin kler in the

plas tic pro tec tive shell, place the

unit into the wrench. DO NOT use

the fus ible link to start or thread

the sprin kler into a fit ting. Turn the

unit clock wise to thread the sprin -

kler into the cou pling, tak ing care

not to over-tighten or dam age the

sprin kler op er at ing parts. 

G. Af ter in stal la tion, the en tire sprin kler

sys tem must be tested. The test must 

be con ducted to com ply with the in -

stal la tion stan dards.

Make sure the sprin kler has been

prop erly tight ened. If a thread leak

oc curs, nor mally the sprin kler must

be re moved, new pipe-joint com -

pound or tape ap plied, and then re in -

stalled. This is due to the fact that

when the joint seal is dam aged, the

seal ing com pound or tape is washed

out of the joint.

H. Af ter test ing, re pair ing all leaks, and

in stall ing and paint ing the wall, re -

move the plas tic pro tec tive shell from 

the sprin kler.


 Do not in stall the

lockring onto the sprin kler un til af ter the

sprin kler nip ple has been cut back to en -

sure de sired place ment of the sprin kler

in re la tion to the outer sur face of the

wall. The lockring will prove dif fi cult to

re move from the sprin kler once it has

been in stalled be hind the face of the

wall. Check fin ished prod uct by tem po -

rarily in stall ing the es cutch eon plate

onto the sprin kler with out the lockring,

us ing the In sti tu tional Es cutch eon In -

stal la tion Wrench. If nec es sary, re-cut

the sprin kler nip ple as re quired.

Once sat is fied with sprin kler lo ca tion

com pared to the front of the wall, in stall

the lockring and the es cutch eon plate

fol low ing steps I through K on this page.

The es cutch eon plate can not be re -

moved af ter it has been in stalled with

the lockring, so do not in stall the es -

cutch eon plate with the lockring un til af -

ter the sys tem has been tested.

I.  As shown in Fig ures 3C and 3D, fit the

lockring over the open end of the pro -

tec tive sprin kler shell and use the

shell to gently press the lockring over

the threads of the sprin kler. The ring

must rest against the two wrench

ears of the sprin kler body with the

four arms of the lockring point ing out -



TIVE SHELL from the sprin kler.

(Rec om men da tion: re tain a pro tec -

tive shell in the spare sprin kler cab i -


K. As de picted in Fig ure 3E, use the In -

sti tu tional Es cutch eon In stal la tion

Wrench to screw on the es cutch eon

plate clock wise. The face of the es -

cutch eon plate is equipped with four

in den ta tions to com ple ment the de -

sign of the In sti tu tional Es cutch eon

In stal la tion Wrench and fa cil i tate in -

stal la tion of the es cutch eon plate.

As the es cutch eon plate is threaded

onto the sprin kler body, the four arms 

of the lockring must fully en gage with

the ra dial grooves on the in side of the 

es cutch eon plate. Con tinue to thread 

the es cutch eon plate onto the sprin -

kler body un til the plate’s flange fits

tightly against the sur face of the wall.

Then, pro ceed to turn the es cutch -

eon plate an other ½ turn clock wise to 

en sure that it is se cured to the wall.

The arms of the lockring are an gled

and de signed to wedge into the

coined ra dial grooves on the in side

face of the es cutch eon plate to keep

the es cutch eon plate from be ing un -

screwed. Thus, an at tempt to re move 

the es cutch eon plate is pre vented af -

ter it is in stalled with the lockring. DO


L. The re tain ing flange, lo cated be hind

the wall, must fit snug against the in -

ner sur face of the wall to pre vent ver -

ti cal move ment of the as sem bly. Use

a 1/8" hex wrench to tighten the re -

tain ing flange screw and se cure the

as sem bly into place to pre vent it from 

be ing pulled through the wall. 

M. DIS AS SEM BLY: Re fer to sec tion 9.

MAIN TE NANCE, para graph D. and

fol low all warn ings and in struc tions. 


(Re fer to Fig ures 1, 2, and 3.)


 The owner is re spon si ble for

main tain ing the fire pro tec tion sys tem

and de vices in proper op er at ing con di -

tion. For min i mum main te nance and in -

spec tion re quire ments, re fer to the ap -

pro pri ate Na tional Fire Pro tec tion As so -

ci a tion standard that de scribes care and 

main te nance of sprin kler sys tems. In

ad di tion, the Au thor ity Hav ing Ju ris dic -

tion may have ad di tional main te nance

re quire ments that must be fol lowed.

A. The sprin klers must be in spected on

a reg u lar ba sis for cor ro sion, me -

chan i cal dam age, ob struc tions,

paint, etc. The fre quency of in spec -

tions may vary due to cor ro sive at -

mo spheres, wa ter sup plies, and ac -

tiv ity around the de vice.

B. Sprin klers that have been painted or

me chan i cally dam aged must be re -

placed im me di ately. Sprin klers

show ing signs of cor ro sion shall be

tested and/or re placed im me di ately

as re quired. In stal la tion stan dards

re quire sprin klers to be tested and, if

nec es sary, re placed af ter a spec i fied 

term of ser vice. Re fer to the in stal la -

tion stan dards (e.g., NFPA 25) and

the Au thor ity Hav ing Ju ris dic tion for

the spec i fied pe riod of time af ter

which test ing and/or re place ment is

re quired. Sprin klers that have op er -

ated can not be re as sem bled or re -

used, but must be re placed. When

re plac ing sprin klers, use only new

sprin klers.

C. The sprin kler dis charge pat tern is

crit i cal for proper fire pro tec tion. 

Noth ing should be hung from the

sprin kler, at tached to it, or oth er wise

ob struct the dis charge pat tern. All

ob struc tions must be im me di ately re -

moved or, if nec es sary, ad di tional

sprin klers in stalled.

D. When replacing existing sprinklers,

the system must be removed from

service. Refer to the appropriate

Sprin kler 126 n





Au gust 29, 2003


Содержание HQR-2

Страница 1: ...gth 2 3 16 56 mm AVAILABLE FINISH Polished Chrome SPRINKLER ASSEMBLYMATERIALS Sprinkler Body Brass Casting UNS C84400 Body Cap Stainless Steel UNS S30400 or UNS S30500 Deflector Copper UNS C19500 Deflector Pins Stainless Steel UNS S30300 Button Brass UNS C31600 Compression Screw Brass UNS C36000 Fusible Link Assembly Beryllium Nickel and Eutectic Solder Fusible Link Levers Stainless Steel UNS S316...

Страница 2: ...until the eutectic Sprinkler 126 l Figure 2 TECHNICAL DATA INSTITUTIONAL STYLE QUICK RESPONSE FLUSH SIDEWALL SPRINKLER WARNING There is no adjustability To avoid misuse of the sprinkler DO NOT install beyond flush NOTE Upon sprinkler activation the deflector extends approximately 1 4 6 4 mm beyond the sprinkler Sprinkler Temperature Classification Nominal Sprinkler Temperature Rating Fusing Point ...

Страница 3: ...should be destroyed im mediately C Viking Institutional Style Quick Re sponse Flush Horizontal Sidewall Sprinklers are not intended for use in corrosive environments Use only sprinklers listed for corrosive envi ronments when subject to corrosive atmospheres D Use care when locating sprinklers near fixtures that can generate heat Do not install sprinklers where they would be exposed to temperature...

Страница 4: ... As shown in Figures 3C and 3D fit the lockring over the open end of the pro tective sprinkler shell and use the shell to gently press the lockring over the threads of the sprinkler The ring must rest against the two wrench ears of the sprinkler body with the four arms of the lockring pointing out ward J REMOVE THE PLASTIC PROTEC TIVE SHELL from the sprinkler Recommendation retain a protec tive sh...

Страница 5: ...urpose Stock of spare lockrings and escutcheon plates should be available in the spare sprinkler cabinet in addition to the spare sprinkler heads 8 Place the system back in service and secure all valves Check the replaced sprinklers and repair all leaks Disassembly Method 2 1 Remove the system from service drain all water and relieve all pres sure on the piping 2 Disassemble and remove the fus ibl...

Страница 6: ...Form No F_101098 Replaces page 126 k o dated April 1 2002 updated the sprinkler materials list O B S O L E T E ...
