A. FXS (Ring Trip) Mode
B. FXO (Loop Start) Mode
D. Night Bell Over Page
C. VOX (Page Port) Mode
FXS Power Assist (Ring Trip) Mode - Power Required
In this mode an external power adapter is typically needed. The unit can be powered by a ringing line and will
answer after 1 second at which time it will activate the relay contacts and provide a pre-page alert tone if enabled
(Dip switch 1). The
will release the relay and hang up after a break in loop current (CPC) or if any of the
following are enabled; silence time out, busy detect, or page time out.
In this mode the unit waits until loop is detected (when a FXO port, telephone, or PABX trunk coming off hook),
then activates the relay contacts and provides a pre-page alert tone if enabled (Dip switch 1). The
release the relay, end the page, and provide a 2 second CPC signal, on either loss of loop current or if any of the
following are enabled; silence time out, busy detect, or page time out.
Dip switch 4 and 5 must be ON and the Talk Battery switch should be in the FXS position. In this mode the unit
waits until audio is detected then activates the relay contacts. The
ends the page when audio stops and
the silence time out is met.
If the unit is powered and not currently paging or providing a CPC, a momentary closure on the Night Bell input
for 50mS or more will trigger a 1 second pause followed by relay activation, a 1.5 second warble tone, and relay
release. A continuous closure on the night bell input causes the 1 second pause, 1.5 second warble tone cycle
to repeat until the closure is removed.
Some VoIP products provide a low power ring signal designed for electronic phones that adaptor-
powered equipment can detect easily, but line-powered equipment may have trouble powering a relay
from this weak signal.
In this case it is recommended to use FXO (Loop Start) mode if possible by changing to an unused
trunk input, otherwise connect the equipment as shown in the special “FXS Power Assist (Ring Trip)
FXS Port or Ringing PABX Extension
Internal View of the FXI-1A
Red power LED
must be ON
Talk Battery Switch
600 Ohm Audio Out to Paging Amplifier
See Instalation Sections B, C, and D
12V DC Adapter
Note: DIP Switch 4 and 5 must
be OFF.
See Programming section A.
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