Armoire Cabinet Owner’s Manual
Your cigar cabinet comes with an analog system for humidity control which consists of an independent
hygrometer and humidistat working together to provide a storage environment that is accurate up to
5%. (See the next section if you have digital humidity controls.)
1. You will notice that your humidity reading is displayed on your hygrometer prior to you plugging
the cabinet in. This is because the hygrometer is battery powered. The fan will function once the
cabinet is plugged in. The fan is controlled by the humidistat and is adjusted by the black knob.
2. You will notice a dial by the hygrometer that can be turned clockwise toward high or
counterclockwise for low. Once the cabinet is plugged in, turn the knob counterclockwise to low.
Slowly turn the knob clockwise until you hear a click and the fan will turn on. The humidity level
shown on the display will be the level of humidity in your cabinet just prior to the click and fan
turning on.
3. Once the fan is running, continue to turn the knob clockwise a little at a time and shut the door.
Once the fan shuts off, look at the reading on the hygrometer. If it is still too low, continue to
adjust a little higher. If the humidity level is too high, adjust down.
4. Continue to adjust the level until you reach your desired humidity level. Please note that if the
humidity level is higher than desired, it could take up to 10 days or more for the reading to drop
depending on the ambient conditions around the cabinet. Typically it takes 36-48 hours to season
your cabinet.
If your humidification system is digital, the display marked “RH%” will indicate the Relative
Humidity level inside of your humidor. To view and/or adjust the humidity set point, please follow
these steps:
1. Depress briefly the far-left scroll key to access the humidity set point adjustment menu.
2. The display will flash back and forth between “SP” and the current set point (originally your
system was set at “70”).
3. To adjust humidity upward, depress the
key until your desired level is reached.
4. To adjust humidity downward, depress the
key until your desired level is reached.
5. If you go beyond your desired humidity level, you may reverse direction using the opposite arrow
6. Once the desired level has been selected, depress the = key on the far right to exit the set point
menu. The actual humidity will now be displayed.
If your cabinet is equipped with temperature control, the digital display marked “Temp” will indicate
the temperature of the cabinet interior in degrees Fahrenheit. To view and/or adjust the temperature
set point, please read through these instructions and follow the steps below.
NOTE: The cabinet is pre-set at 70°F and should remain there for a minimum of two weeks. It is
recommended that you maintain the temperature inside the cabinet between 68° and 72°F. Call your
Vigilant sales representative if you have questions about the proper temperature for your cigars.
1. Depress briefly the far-left scroll key to access the temperature set point adjustment menu.
2. The display will flash back and forth between “SP” and the current set point (originally your
system was set at “70°”).
3. To adjust temperature upward, depress the
key until your desired level is reached.